Last night, April 2, 2019, Crystal Coast TEA Party hosted five candidates or their representative at the Morehead City and Cape Carteret meetings. This brings the total of nine candidates (of 17 Republican candidates running for Third District US House of Representatives) who have addressed CCTPP members on their views and to answer questions from the floor.
Following the candidates, meeting attendees discussed pros and cons of each candidate, then voted by secret ballot on the candidate they determined to best fulfill our TEA Party principles, Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Markets.
The Crystal Coast TEA Party is happy to recommend Michael Speciale for Third District US House of Representatives.
The Third District is extremely fortunate to have so many highly qualified conservative candidates. The decision was a difficult one. Whichever candidate ultimately wins the Third District primary, CCTPP encourages each of the remaining candidates to stay engaged and carry the conservative banner in future local, state, and federal elections. To the ultimate primary winner, we got your back too!