The Wall Street Journal reported late yesterday afternoon, HERE, that Paul Ryan (R-WI) is beginning to articulate his vision for the upcoming “immigration reform” legislation. So, first Marco Rubio, and now Paul Ryan have shot themselves in their respective feet and disaffected the conservative Republican base by succumbing to the fallacy that legitimizing illegal immigrants will cause a majority of them to vote for Republican candidates once they meet the requirements for a voting citizenship. What fools these mortals be.
From the article:
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), a leading GOP advocate for tackling immigration, confirmed Wednesday that Republicans are looking to give illegal immigrants legal status right away, with the chance for a green card—and citizenship—down the line.
First, illegal immigrants would be offered a “probationary” status, allowing them to work while the government tightened border security and interior enforcement. Officials have explained that this would allow people to work legally while they wait for permanent legal status. (Officials have explained that this group could revert to illegal status if enforcement benchmarks are not met.)
Mr. Ryan said it would make sure that the Obama administration went ahead with the enforcement provisions. “We want to make sure that we write a law that he can’t avoid,” Mr. Ryan said.
Yeah, Paul, good luck with that.