Constitutional amendment protecting the right of the people to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, including the right to use traditional methods, to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife. More than 20 other states have overwhelmingly passed amendments to their constitution giving the citizens the right to hunt and fish. Our state has a unique centuries-long heritage of hunting and fishing and we must protect it at all costs. (Why would the Dems not want the people to have the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife? Because the more freedom the people have, the less authority government has, and a true liberal Democrat can’t stand the thought of limiting government’s authority).
Constitutional amendment to strengthen protections for victims of crime (Marsy’s Law); to establish certain absolute basic rights for victims; and to ensure the enforcement of these rights. This amendment guarantees victims of crime the rights to be treated with dignity and respect, to be present at any proceeding, to be heard at certain proceedings, to receive restitution in a timely manner, to receive information upon request, and to confer with the prosecutor. (The Dems want you to vote against a Constitutional amendment that would give more protection to victims of crime. Why? Because the liberal Democrat believes that the Nanny State is smarter than all of us, and more capable of “taking care” of the people).
Constitutional amendment to reduce the income tax rate in North Carolina to a maximum allowable rate of seven percent (7%) from the current ten percent (10%). North Carolinians need protection from future attempts to raise their taxes, like Gov. Roy Cooper’s budget tried to do in 2018. Our history on tax increases before Republicans took control isn’t great-our sales tax was raised in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009, under Democrat leadership, taking billions from families. Instead of raising income taxes, the State needs to use prudent budgeting and common-sense restraints on spending so you can keep more of your hard earned money in your wallet. (Dems want you to vote against a Constitutional amendment that would limit the income tax that you would have to pay. Again, this is simply because liberal Democrats are pro higher tax, pro big government. The more money they can take from you the working, tax paying citizen, the better they like it. The more they can grow big government, the more they can intrude on your life. They just think voters are stupid enough to vote against such an amendment). Do the math: if you make $36,000 a year, at 10% income tax you are paying $3,600. But at 7% you are paying $2,520, which represents $90 more per month that can stay in your pocket.
Constitutional amendment to require voters to provide photo identification before voting in person. Approving voter ID would place North Carolina in the mainstream with 34 other states that require some form of voter ID. Under current law, North Carolina voters state only their name and residential address for election officials to verify their identity. The goal of this proposed amendment is to ensure the gold standard in election integrity. Voters decide who will hold political office; therefore, the voting process must ensure that everyone who votes is legally entitled to vote which would reduce or eliminate voter fraud. (To most logical, common sense people, this is a no brainer. But the Dems are in a growing fever pitch, and aren’t using common sense. The liberal Dems want minimal oversight of integrity at the polls. They want maximum opportunity to manipulate the vote, many times illegally). We need to require voters to produce photo ID to vote. This amendment would do that.
Constitutional amendment to change the process for filling judicial vacancies that occur between judicial elections from a process in which the Governor has sole appointment power to a process in which the people of the State nominate individuals to fill vacancies by way of a commission comprised of appointees made by the judicial, executive, and legislative branches charged with making recommendations to the legislature as to which nominees are deemed qualified; then the legislature will recommend at least two nominees to the Governor via legislative action not subject to gubernatorial veto; and the Governor will appoint judges from among these nominees. (This would give several people that represent the whole state (the Legislature) a chance to pick a qualified judge after a thorough vetting for qualifications, instead of the Governor making a political pick. This is only for vacancies).