November 2018 Voter Information

Election Day is the first Tuesday in November 2018 is November 6, 2018. An email detailing dates for submitting absentee ballots, One Stop voting (Early Voting), and poll schedules on Election Day will be forthcoming.

Off-year elections are often ignored. Please do not ignore this off-year election. There are very important elections and issues on the ballot that effect Carteret County and the State of North Carolina.

Locally, Carteret County has it first partisan School Board Elections in over 25 years. There are many reasons this is important. First, partisan elections provide information as to the candidates core beliefs that impact what your children and grandchildren are taught in Carteret County Schools. From sex education to how our government works. Go to the Facebook page for more informations on why it is important to know more about your school board candidates.

Also, in Carteret County, we will be electing several County Commissioners to office. In spite of the many Letters to the Editor submitted to the local newspaper attacking the current County Commissioners with distorted information and out right lies from Democrat opposition candidates, Carteret County is being managed at a high level of efficiency. Did you know that Carteret County has the lowest tax rate in North Carolina? Did you know that Carteret County schools are in the top ten in the State? Nearly every Democrat opponent in the Carteret County commissioner race has proposed increasing our taxes; they have supported unfettered illegal immigration and refugees into the county; they have pled for our Commissioners to support unisex bathrooms and showers in our schools; they have opposed partisan school board elections; and many more extreme Progressive Liberal policies.

At the State level, Democrats are challenging our incredibly successful NC House and NC Senate candidates who have been admirable in their support for Carteret County conservative values.

But most egregiously, the NC Democrats have pulled an extremely dirty trick to unseat the conservative NC Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jackson. Just a week before filling for office closed, a Democrat changed parties (to Republican) to run against Justice Jackson with the expressed intent to split the Republican vote so that another Democrat running against Justice Jackson would have a better chance to defeat Justice Jackson. Here’s a link to Justice Jackson’s Facebook page,  Justice Jackson needs your help with donations and your vote.

There are also six ballot initiatives on the ballot in November 2018 (although Governor Cooper and the NAACP are trying to have the courts remove them). Here is a link to read more about each of the initiatives to change the NC Constitution including Voter ID,

If you are able, you can help Crystal Coast Tea Party promote conservative candidates in NC by donating to TEA NC PAC. Reply to this email if you want more information on how to donate.