No, not me, silly, but thanks just the same. I’m actually referring to the crude oil being extracted from the Bakken reserves in North Dakota and elsewhere along the Canadian border by means of hydraulic fracking.
The left in our country vehemently opposes any explorations by American oil companies aimed at expanding the proven petroleum reserves in the United States, any improvements in extraction technology that will tend to produce more oil more cheaply, and the creation of any infrastructure (such as a new pipeline) that will expedite the movement of that crude oil to the epicenter of U.S. refining capacity. Consequently, in order to diminish the perceived value of the newly proven reserves, they denigrate the quality of the petroleum being pumped out of the Bakken formation at every turn.
However, Tessa Sandstrom is setting the record straight. Ms. Sandstrom is Communications Manager for the North Dakota Petroleum Council and an expert on all things Bakken. Earlier this week, she wrote an interesting and enlightening article to dispell many of the myths that have been spreading about Bakken Crude. The article is HERE.