Washington Post opinion writer George Will offers his perspective, illuminating as always, on the suppression tactics employed by the IRS in the interest of nullifying conservative political activism in the run-up to this year’s fall elections. One incisive excerpt:
The rules that Obama says befuddled the IRS boneheads — to his benefit — read today exactly as they have read since 1959. For half a century they did not prevent the IRS from processing applications for tax-exempt status in less than three months. Some conservative group should offer $10,000 to anyone who can identify a liberal group that had the experience scores of conservative groups have had — an application delayed more than three years and receipt of an IRS questionnaire containing at least 60 questions.
And by the way, thanks to all who used our boilerplate, or who otherwise took the initiative of writing to the IRS to express opposition to the proposed rule changes for IRS Section 501(c)(4) organizations. Will reports that they have received over 140,000 comments to date, an impressive number considering that almost all are critical of the proposal. For his entire article, click HERE.
And in a related story, the British newspaper Daily Mail reported yesterday, HERE, that after eight months the IRS has now agreed to provide the House investigating committee with all of Lois Lerner’s e-mails from President Obama’s inauguration up through the date she went on leave from her IRS duties.