As If We Need More Proof That Bill & Hillary Are Liars

As many readers will know, the Bill Clinton Presidential Library, after years of stalling and postponements, has finally released another batch of documents from his eight years in office.  Amazingly, the British media seems to be doing a much better job of sifting through these newly-ObamacarePost_HeaderImagereleased 4,000 pages than our left-leaning domestic mainstream media.  Imagine that.

The UK’s Daily Mail has found a trove dealing with the HillaryCare project, an effort that took up a bit more than two years of Billary’s first term, with an end stage so disastrous as to be considered the main causative factor in the Republican majority takeover in the House of Representative’s after the 1994 mid-term elections.  

Here’s an interesting bit, from an internal memo sent up the chain by a member of the HillaryCare team:

We have a line on page 10 that says “You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice.”  This sounds great and I know that it’s just what people want to hear.  But can we get away with it?  Isn’t the whole thrust of our health plan to steer people toward cheaper, HMO-style providers?  It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing that this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice.  And that’s exactly what this line does.  I am very worried about getting skewered for over promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.

In his 1994 State of the Union address, President Bill Clinton uttered the outright lie that with HillaryCare, all Americans would have “the freedom to choose a plan and the right to choose your own doctor”.  He did so knowing full well that the statement was false.  Likewise, of course, President Barack Obama stated many times that “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, also while knowing it was false.   Although Bill Clinton originated the lie, Barack Obama, it seems, had no compunctions in resurrecting it.

The whole article, HERE, is well worth reading, as it will be fodder in Hillary’s 2016 campaign.