Letter to the Editor re. Second Amendment

We are all aware of  Barack Hussein Obama’s plans to ignore our 2nd Amendment rights and to ban certain guns in America .  In my opinion, this ban would be expanded over time, and if you own a gun, your rights would ultimately be threatened.  Opposition to a gun ban must begin with grassroots individuals and action at the local government level.  I plan to attend the February 18 meeting of our County Commissioners in the Commissioner’s Board Room, upstairs in the County Administration Building (the building where you pay your taxes).  Meeting starts at 6:00.  I plan to sign up immediately before the meeting to be included in the “Public Comment” portion of the meeting.  Rather than complain about gun bans on Facebook, or within our social groups, or murmur among ourselves, it would be good to make a strong showing at this meeting.  Feel free to call me personally if you have questions about this, or if you need further details (252-726-1318).  Hope to see you February 18.  Following is an e-mail I just sent to Sheriff Buck and each Commissioner.

Sheriff Buck, thanks for your continued hard work to ensure the safety and security of  Carteret County , its residents, business owners, tourists, and property.

Next, to those of you who are not new to the Board of Commissioners, thank you for your continued service to  Carteret   County ’s citizens.  And to the newly elected Commissioners, welcome, and may your term prove to be constructive for  Carteret   County , and a positive experience for you.  Thank you for your willingness to serve the citizens of this county.

I am writing to urge each of you to seriously consider taking strong action to nullify any gun ban that Barack Obama or his administration might implement and impose on US citizens.  There is no doubt that it is his intent to disarm us, whatever it takes.  County officials and Sheriffs across the country, and even right here in our own State (Beaufort County Commissioners being the first), are pro-actively taking such action.

Thank you in advance for your serious consideration of this request.

Jennifer Hudson