CCTPP Meeting Minutes, January 15, 2013

15 JANUARY 2013

Meeting was held at Roland’s Barbecue Restaurant in Beaufort, NC
Meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Chairman BOB CAVANAUGH
Pledge of Allegiance was led by BOB CAVANAUGH
Invocation by STEVE BEST
Attendance – 20

BOB discussed the passing of NC Senator Jean Preston and her funeral he had attended this past weekend in Snow Hill along with KEN and DIANE LANG.  Senator Norman and Linda Sanderson and Representative Pat McElraft were also there.  He thought it was odd that Greg Lewis was not there.  Nor was Bob Pruitt, 3rd District Chairman.  Maybe they are just waiting for the memorial to be held in Cape Carteret at the Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am Saturday.  BOB said he planned to be there also and hoped to have a good TEA Party showing.   BOB thought Jean’s cousin gave a very moving eulogy.  BOB said he did not know that Jean had lost an eleven year old daughter to cystic fibrosis back in the mid seventies.  As he went through the line he told her daughter and brother that he was there representing the Crystal Coast TEA Party and offering our condolences.  On a personal note, BOB said he was really sad, that he had hoped that once the dust had settled and Jean had gotten into her retirement that we would be able to get her to come and talk with us….about politics in general and things that would be of interest to us.  She took a lot of experience with her that we all will miss.

A new attendee, GERDA SANCHEZ, came in and BOB had her introduce herself and tell us something about herself.  She said she was the widow of Warren Sanchez, who passed about three years ago.  She said she came tonight because she thinks she has something to offer that very few others have and that is having survived Nazi Germany.  She said “I was only a child but the Gestapo came for me.  My mother was a force labor for the general civilian population because all the men were in the army.  They had come for me because I did not obey the Nazis even as a child.  I was 8 and my brother was 10.  They came to the door (5 or 6 Gestapo agents) and they told my mother to hand us over and she said ’No I am not going to hand them over, you are going to have to come and get them.’…and she pulls a (Walter PPK?) out of her coat pocket.  How she got it is beyond me, but it stopped them.  They did not want to be dead and my mother was 5’3”.  I tend to be a little paranoid.  LYN BAKER said she did not think so, that she is seeing a lot of parallels in our country right now.  Gerda said “Exactly, this is what has gotten me alarmed….this, this man that I think stole the election, is bent on being an unelected tyrant.  There will not be another election as far as I can see.  (Many agreed with her)  The way he stole the election was with the touch screen voting machines.  When folks come in, and 99.6% in several precincts in Pennsylvania voted for this man you know that can not be right.  I talked to my kids, who are all in computers, and they say it is very easy to fix those touch screen machines so that if you touch the conclusion, the last button to sign out, then it automatically defaults to ’you know who’.  Anyway, also these machines are owned by a company owned by George Soros.  So, what we need to do is, on a national level, as a new project for the TEA Party, is to get outlawed these touch screen voting machines.  I think you can get Democrats in on it too because they can be turned the other way also.  But they have to go.  We need to have paper ballots just like we have here.  They found some of these touch screens in the Raleigh area and they got rid of them and I think that is the only reason that we were one of the only swing states that went for Romney.  HOWARD said he thought they used them in the Greensboro area because he read something about it…voting one way and it falls out another.  Gerda said, Those things have got to go.  I’m a little old to get something like this organized but someone needs to see that it gets done.  When PEGGY asked that everyone please sign in, Gerta said she did not want to get on emails.  They were too easy to trace.  PEGGY said emails were not mandatory, but they would like to have her name so we could acknowledge her the next time we saw her.

BOB said talking about voter fraud, he was on Bill O’Reilly’s message board and read an email he had received regarding the same.  It was statistics on how the evidence of voter fraud was astounding, but nothing had been done about it.  Examples:  precincts where 100% of the votes cast had been for Obama  and not one single vote had been cast for Romney.  Precincts where over 100% of the eligible voters had cast ballots, etc. some as much as 150% voted.  Some places Obama had won by over 108%.  Obama won in every state that did not require Voter ID.  BOB said he had talked to TOM AUSTIN in Jacksonville on the way to our meeting to find out how their meeting went last night.  TOM said they were getting a rumor that McCrory was backing off Voter ID requirements and they were going to start a letter writing campaign to let him know this was a bad idea.  HOWARD said he had talked to Norman Sanderson Friday that he didn’t like what he was reading about in the papers about Voter ID and McCrory and his backing away from it.  Norman assured HOWARD that he was still firmly behind the Voter ID bill.  Discussion on our thoughts on this subject….ie if can get to the polls to vote, then why couldn’t they have gotten to the DMV or wherever to get a photo ID…..or maybe if they didn’t have a voter ID, maybe they weren’t really interested enough to vote….a lot of them need a photo ID to cash those food stamps.  HOWARD said he got behind a lady in the grocery story the other day and watched as she used her SNAP cards to get her groceries and then left the store and got into a BMW and drove off.  Consensus was to vote you should have a voter ID.  BOB recommended that we all inundate Pat McElraft and Norman Sanderson with calls, letters and emails on pushing for a Voter ID bill.  McCrory campaigned on advocating a Voter ID Law and by golly he should stand behind his promise.

VERN THOMPSON said they are giving illegal aliens drivers license, which can be used as voter ID, so there should be some method of marking or identifying that license that it does not authorize him to vote.

HOWARD recommended that we invite former County Commissioners Doug Harris, Holt Faircloth and Pat Joyce (at different times), to come and talk to us.  Doug had indicated just prior to leaving office that he would like to meet with us sometime and so therefore, HOWARD would like to invite each of them to join us at one of our meetings.  BOB said that sounded great to him and asked HOWARD to try to set it up for us if he can.

BOB said we had talked about what organization to donate our profits from shirts, etc several months ago.  PEGGY said she thought we had decided on Sam’s “We Care”.  BOB said that group will be fazing out before long because the troops will be coming home.  PEGGY said Sam has set up a get-together this week to box up items to send to the troops, so it is still ongoing. BOB said he had noticed in the paper that Jean Preston’s family had requested that, in lieu of flowers, that donations be sent to a college fund for conservative women in Carteret County.  He thinks that will be an excellent place for the TEA Party to send their profits.  It stays local…it supports things that we support and helps put a young conservative through college.  He thinks that would be a good use for our money.  The Wounded Warrior Project and others like it are well funded and the little bit of money that we generate….on a scholarship fund will have a more significant impact.  BOB asked how the rest of us feel.  Instead, conversation evolved to needing to increase our treasury in order to finance the two projects we had proposed in the next few months (Sponsoring a pig in the Newport Pig Cookin’ and a rally).  BOB said he wasn’t talking about taking money from our treasury, but doing like we had done with the profits we had been donating to Wounded Warriors.  Once we had found out the leader of that organization had been being paid over a million dollars, we had decided to withdraw our support from that organization and were looking around for another charity.  Nancy said the guy that had been printing our shirts had told her that we could not use the Wounded Warrior logo if we were not supporting them financially.  The printer will continue printing our shirts with the logo of whatever charity we wished to support, but he planned to continue his support to WW.  He said as long as we are giving it to a charity he would continue the price he had been authorizing us.  HOWARD said logos are closely cherished.  A few years ago South Carolina schools were using “Olympics of the Mind” for gifted children’s competition and were made to stop using ‘Olympics‘, because it was registered and they were not allowed to infringe on their name.  We are aware of this issue since we had grandkids involved at the time.  BOB said we will not make any decision on this issue tonight but he thought he would just bring it up.

BOB asked who was supposed to get us registered in the Newport Pig Cookin’ and getting the information required.  FRED DECKER said he was.  He said he was going to get a cooker (and chef) also.  He would talk to the director of the pig cookin and see if he had any suggestions on who we could get.  BOB said he might could get the guy from New Bern that cooks the pigs for Churchill Cigars events.  He cooks a good pig.  According to BOB there is no such thing as a bad barbecue pig.  HOWARD said Oh, yes, he remembers probably the first Newport Pig Cookin’, he was helping the Moose Lodge with their pig and the guys next to them were heavily hitting the ‘sauce’.  One of them left the other in charge of watching the pig and took off with some old gal.  The guy supposed to be watching the pig, passed out and the pig caught fire.  He woke up and put the fire out with cans of beer he had.  We all named that pig the ‘crispy critter’.

Discussion on gun control.  Republicans need to get the conversation back to what is important.  Not how many rounds of ammunition should be legal, but what the Constitution says.  When the Constitution was drafted it said people were allowed to own state of the art weapons.  They had the same weaponry the military had.  The government does not have the right to regulate guns.  The states might have some basis for determining the type of weapons or training or licensing requirements.  But the Federal Government does not have those rights.  There is no wiggle room in the Constitution for the Federal Government to have any say so in the right to bear arms.  They are saying they have to protect the general public.  The way BOB sees it, they are not doing too good a job with that.  The police show up after the murder, not during or before.  If you have your own weapon for self defense, maybe you won’t get murdered.  Chicago supposedly has the most strict gun control laws in the country but has the highest murder rate (506 this past year).  LYN said she understands he (Obama) can regulate some of the existing laws that have already been passed.

BILL GRIFFITH said someone sent him an email that had Obama’s baby footprint on it.  He said all you had to do was get Obama’s foot print today and there would be little change (other than size) and it would prove his birth.  When he contacted officials about whether this was true or not, he was told they could not impeach him even if they did prove that he was not a citizen of the US.  It would create a racial war.  It  would be even worse than the Civil War.   GERDA said there is going to be a war any way.  She would like to warn everyone to stock food supplies for at least 3 months.  Stock seeds because you are going to have to wind up growing your own food.  Make sure you have a wood stove even if you just store it and get it ready for use.  Make sure that among the things you store are medicines that you use regularly.  For trade items….salt, sugar, honey.  These are trade items to enable you to trade for items you may need.  Suggest that you stock up on pre-1965 change which was 90% silver.  “I can remember during the 73 gasoline crisis in Washington, DC there was a gas station that sold a gallon of gas for a silver dime.  So if we need to buy anything we will need to have what they call junk silver.”  She told about having your own antibiotic which is colloidal silver.  The FDA is trying to ban it.  A nurse she knew during World War II in Nazi Germany,  used colloidal silver and only had one patient die of blood poisoning in a total of five years that she practiced.  You might want to look into getting one of the colloidal silver generators.  The only problem she sees is getting something to make distilled water with a regular fire.  Don’t count on electricity.  They are going to cut that also.  During the war and just after, you had a two hour time ration of using electricity a day.  Today almost everyone has an electric stove.  You are not going to be able to cook what you will need in a two hour a day time frame.  Get ready to control your own health because colloidal silver kills both bacteria and viruses.  It does not have any side affects that she knows of because she has been using it for years as a mouth wash.  BOB said he is thinking about stocking up on fishing hooks and crab pots too.  Someone said we need to stock up on water also.  GERDA said we can get water just by boiling and filtering it.  If you boil water for ten minutes, then everything is dead.  RUTH PARKER said she had heard of straw that you could filter water through to make drinking water.

BOB said a couple of important dates besides tomorrow when Biden’s committee presents Obama with their gun control ideas….and Saturday, which is Gun Appreciation Day.  People around the country will be visiting local gun shops, ranges, state capital buildings, to express their appreciation of the second amendment.  If you are not going to the Jean Preston memorial in Cape Carteret at 11:00 am, then try to attend a  Gun Appreciation Show.  NANCY BOCK said she was at Hardesty’s Gun Shop today and they had gotten three AR15’s in and they have doubled in price.  They are $2500.00 since a month ago.  Someone said they were already sold.  NANCY said the real problem now is ammunition.  You can’t get bullets anymore.  They are all sold out.
The next date to remember is between February 15 and March 7…hitting the debt ceiling and we can no longer pay our debts.  February 28 is when the sequestration is supposed to kick in.
April 15 is when both houses should have a budget resolution passed.  We are already hearing that the President is going to be late in submitting his budget….the House is reporting they will not be able to meet their deadline and as we all know the Senate hasn’t passed a budget in over 1300 days.  RUTH said they are all worrying about the public not liking them for the stands they take.  Got news for them, none of us like them now.  They can quit worrying.  We are going to be looking for replacements at the next election anyway.  BOB says let’s look at this.  The Republicans say no money unless you do drastic cuts…and so the government runs out of money.  Government shuts down.  Where do we go from there?  Several said ‘So, what happens?’  BOB said look at when Gingrich held firm and what happened – they all caved in and the public blamed the Republicans and the Democrats took over in the next election.  It is the same thing the Republicans are facing now.  VERNE said the problem with the Republicans trying to stop increasing the debt limit is Obama will control the way that comes about.  He will be the one who will be able to control what happens and will be able to channel that in such a way that it makes the Republicans look even worse.  90% of Republicans in the House believe they should make a stand on the issue of sequestration.  In other words – let it happen.  They believe that if Obama becomes convinced that they will allow sequestration to happen then he will cooperate and agree to use a scalpel instead of a hatchet.  What the Republicans want to do is insist that the cut take place but instead that they be redirected from across the board cuts as stipulated in the sequestration.  It has taken us 100 years to get us where we are and it will probably take that long or longer to get us back to where we need to be.  There are so many now on the government take.  You can’t even take the two billion dollar a year Obama phone right now without there being the major cities burning down.  That is just two billion.  HOWARD said 80% of the USDA budget is food stamps.  BOB said he heard that ¼ of all the children in the US are on food stamps.  That is disgraceful.  The whole system is corrupt.  HOWARD said he saw where Coastal Community Action has 200 employees (right there by the park this side of Newport).  They are wanting a finance officer and he has forgotten how many millions a year their budget is and in his opinion most of that money is just thrown away.  BOB said that is the group that Leon Mann used to be with, right?  Discussion on Leon Mann followed with actions that had occurred while he was in command.

Discussion on the Tax Day Rally in April.  BOB said first thing is trying to come up with the money….what we now have in the bank is not even going to pay for the port-a-johns or the insurance.  HOWARD said he talked to the owner tentatively about it.  He asked him could possibly we get the port-a-johns, piggy backing under his contract with the company and maybe rent them cheaper.  Also, talked to him about the possibility of also piggybacking on his liability insurance for an extra day.  Asked him to think it over.  He also told HOWARD he was having trouble renting port-a-johns and is giving serious consideration of putting bathrooms out there.  That would be great.  BOB said even using port-a-johns you have to have one that is handicapped accessible and they are really expensive.  HOWARD said the thing is we are going to have to pay him a little extra for the use.  HOWARD said he really thinks Morgan is on our side and John Hill, who manages the Flea Mall, he thinks is very definitely on our side.  We have to be careful about piggybacking on the insurance because if someone gets hurt at our activity and files a claim it will run his rates up.  BOB asked NANCY if she remembered what our insurance cost last time.  She said $940.00 for 2 events and from BB&T Events.  It has to be an event coverage.  NANCY said they are going to want to know the date, how many hours and number of people.  Number of people is hard to determine.  Our last event was like 200 people in attendance and the one before that was about 2000.  Discussion on use of the trailer.  Maybe one of us can contact Barry Page personally instead of through someone else.

HOWARD announced that he and PEGGY had changed affiliation today from Unaffiliated to Republican.  We plan to get involved and start attending the meetings, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.
Minutes submitted by Secretary PEGGY GARNER.