Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns over the ratification of the United Nations “Small Arms Treaty”. I appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with me.
We are in agreement that there is no area where the need for vigilance is more necessary than in preserving our rights under the Second Amendment to the Constitution. During my time in Congress, I have been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Rest assured I remain committed to seeing that these rights are not infringed upon and I will continue to support the right of Americans to bear arms.
As a member of the Congressional Sovereignty Caucus, you will not find me supporting the subjection of any aspect of our country to any United Nations treaty. The U.S. Constitution gives the Senate exclusive power to approve treaties. Therefore, as a member of the House of Representatives I am unable to vote on ratification of this treaty. Therefore, you should contact our NC Senators, Richard Burr and Kay Hagan and encourage them to vote against ratifying this agreement if it comes up for consideration.
Please continue to contact me on any issues of concern, although you can ALWAYS count on a reliable vote supporting the Second Amendment.