We Need Help for MAJOR State Legislation and Projects

We Need Help for MAJOR State Legislation and Projects

Hello Everyone,

I received the following from NC House member Glen Bradley, a strict constitutionalists.  He sees great importance in passing 2 critical bills/resolutions in the short session and needs our help.  These bills touch ever so strongly on individual liberty and on the notion that states are supposed to STICK UP and PROTECT our rights and not help the government take them away.
Please get the message out as best you can.

The bills are as follows (copied from the email)  —

First project I want to discuss is our bill to refuse compliance with Agenda 21.  Because this is a bit complicated, I will try to explain what is going on.

A non-budgetary bill may only be introduced in the short session with 2/3 support of the members. A resolution may be introduced at any time, and does not count towards out 10 bill limit. Therefore we have a resolution to introduce the noncompliance bill, and then the noncompliance bill itself that will be introduced upon 2/3 passage of the resolution. The resolution to introduce will gain a bill number on May 16th when it is introduced.

Here is what we need, we need 2/3 support from members of both the House and the Senate on the introduction resolution here:

So please contact your State Representative and State Senator and express to them how much you want them to support the anti-Agenda21 resolution and noncompliance bill, so that we can get the 2/3 support we need to introduce the actual noncompliance bill here:

If you State Representative or State Senator is a Democrat, there are a wide variety of “Democrats against Agenda 21” groups out there in existence, so it may help to look a few of them up first and reference them when contacting your Rep or Senator. I will also be attempting to rally those groups.See More:    2011-LB-428B.pdf – Google Docs

And the second project I want to bring to your attention is a resolution composed by OathKeepers and the Patriot Coalition to DENOUNCE the provision for the indefinite detention of American citizens in sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense and Authorization Act (NDAA).

This one is a lot more straightforward even if the bill is significantly longer.  It is simply a resolution (a Nullification resolution), which means that it can be introduced on Day 1 of the short session and it does not count towards my 10-bill limit.  So we also need your help to support the resolution to oppose/object to the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA.  It too will aquire a bill number on May 16th.

Check it out here:  https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByAbMc4d18WVbG5wLUdTOUdveVU
More:   2011-LG-149.pdf – Google Docs