CCTPP Minutes, February 21, 2012

21 FEBRUARY 2012

The meeting was held at Golden Corral, Morehead City, NC
The meeting was called to order by BOB CAVANAUGH, Chairman
Pledge of Allegiance was led by BOB CAVANAUGH
Invocation by STEVEN BEST

BOB announced that DENNIS TOMASO had brought the new business cards in and he handed them out to those in attendance. Changes have been incorporated as suggested. The flag on the front is now in color and has Proud to be American included in the picture of the flag. is now on the front in lieu of the back. The back information now includes the time for both the Morehead City and Western Carteret meetings and refers you to the website for locations, since our western group’s location changes according to the season; and gives our three main core beliefs ‘Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, Free Markets’. Thanks Dennis, they really look nice. See BOB for your copies or for additional copies.

BOB recognized the new faces in attendance tonight:
Robert Harrelson – from Newport. BOB asked him if SCOTT CARPENTER was the one who encouraged him to attend, and Robert affirmed yes, that he was in the Wildwood District of which SCOTT was chairman.
James Lawver who lives off the Hibbs Road on White Oak St. He then introduced his fiancee Hayley Hatfield. They, too were encouraged to attend by SCOTT. (Thank you SCOTT for helping to increase our attendance.)
Ida Vickroy and teen Klairi Hall who too were from Newport. Ida said she had been here before but it had been a while. She had attended when we met at Cox’s.
Willie Austin, from Cedar Island. EULA PARKIN asked how far it was to Cedar Island. Several said a-l-o-n-g-w-a-y! Someone else said about 40 miles. BOB said Carteret County is about 75 miles long. It is a long county.

BOB asked DENNIS if he knew where RUTH PARKER was tonight. She wasn’t here last week also. Did anyone know if she was sick or what. No one seemed to know.

BOB said, for the new folks, he would recap some on the things that went on last week. We talked about the NC Senatorial race, candidates running to replace Sen. Jean Preston, who is retiring at the end of this term. Someone asked if she was a lifelong Republican. HOWARD said you can near bout bet she is not a lifelong Republican because she was the head person at the Caswell Center in Kinston and he would say a Republican would never have gotten that position. BOB said he would agree with that; anyway, she was a two term NC Senator representing Carteret, Craven and Pamlico Counties and prior to that she was in the NC House of Representatives for something like six terms. FRED said she was there 14 years and had proven to be a very good conservative. BOB said she really did have a good voting record. She was also conscientious and hard working. She is entitled to retire. She has done her duty to her country and state and the people she represented. Any way, there are three Republicans running for that seat so there is going to be a primary runoff on May 8. There is Ken Jones, who is the mayor of Pine Knoll Shores; Norman Sanderson, who is the current House member for Craven and Pamlico Counties; and Randy Ramsey, who is also from Carteret County and owner of Jarrett Bay Boat Works. KEN LANG, who is not with us tonight but conducting the meeting of the Western Carteret Tea Party Group in Emerald Isle, did some research on Ramsey and found out that Ramsey is a long time contributor to the Democratic Party. He contributed heavily to Beverly Perdue’s campaign, Mike Easley’s, Mark Basnight’s, and the Democrat Party. That is just researching back to only 1997. He has donated almost $36,9500 to the Democrat Party any only something like $2,700 to the Republican Party. So that kind of tells us where the guy’s heart and loyalty lie. He is running as a Republican and several of the TEA Party went down to Beaufort at the Board of Elections on the first day of filing with protest signs and had a little demonstration. Someone ‘obviously’ tipped Randy off because he did not show up until the group protesting left. The word that got back to the group was that Greg Lewis had called Randy up and kept him informed as to what was going on. Anyway, we have a letter writing campaign going on of letters to the editor. They are being cycled through Jennifer Hudson, so that we don’t all inundate the newspaper all at once. She is going to portion them out so that the issue is kind of kept before the public on a continual basis up until the primary. We are not choosing sides between Ken Jones and Norman Sanderson, but we are definitely opposed to Randy Ramsey. He is a heavy supporter of the Democrat Party and doesn’t support anything the TEA Party stands for which is our three core principals “Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Markets”. BOB said he wrote a letter which he titled Democrat Sleeper Cells and Jennifer kicked it back to him saying she didn’t feel right sending it in since she is the communications coordinator for the county Republican party. He said that was fine, he would send it in himself, because he didn’t see where she felt that forwarding a letter on to the editor is necessarily an endorsement by her of the contents. Anyway, he said they would not get into that and he would handle it. Anyway, if you have not written a letter to the editor yet, opposing Randy Ramsey, you can go to our Crystal Coast TEA Party Face Book page and the information on Ramsey is there. You may have to scroll down through the various links to find it since so much data is posted there that these things (important) seem to get buried there rather rapidly. The problem is some folks are using our Face Book page as a depository for every kind of link they come across that they find interesting. It is supposed to be more of a communications forum, more particularly about local issues. Prefer we not use it to promote gay issues, or anti-gay issues, j’haid, and any such other type of issues. We prefer to keep it to more about our core values.

Some of our folks are infiltrating our government around here. Last night PEGGY and HOWARD were appointed to another committee. He asked PEGGY which committee they were on now. PEGGY said they would be responsible for going around and checking the rest and nursing homes, ensuring they were being operated correctly and the patients were receiving the care they required. She was not sure of all that it entailed, but they had been informed that they would have to attend a seminar on what will be required. BOB said they were on a couple of these committees; which ones were we on. PEGGY said she was on the Senior Center Advisory Board and HOWARD is on the Fire and EMT Budget Board. PEGGY said KEN LANG was also appointed to a committee last night, the ILA Board. Robin Comer had stepped down and appointed KEN in his place. Someone asked what was the ILA and HOWARD said it was the Inter Local Agency; an organization of the towns of Pelletier, Cape Carteret, Bogue, and Cedar Point. (BOB said in other words, the western end of the county). HOWARD said what they have done is form an organization to take over the fire department. It is a joint effort. BOB said as soon as they organized this ILA, the guy in charge snuck in something like a 25% pay raise for himself and a bunch of other people.

DENNIS said Ken Jones would like to come and talk to the TEA Party. BOB said he had already told him that anytime that fits into his schedule but had advised him that the first and third Tuesdays our attendance was less because the western end of the county met those nights. He said he had also had this same conversation with Terry Frank in Newport who was running for District 3 County Commissioner. He is a busy man, between trying to line up donors, run his business and such, but he knows it is a standing invitation. BOB said in about another week or two, if he hasn’t heard from these guys, he is going to ring their chimes at the Republicans’ meeting. DENNIS asked for one more quick question. You were talking about Ramsey; why doesn’t the Republican party vet some of these people and put out some information on them. From what he is hearing this guy (Ramsey) is definitely a RINO (Republican in Name Only). BOB said he tried to bring that up at the county courthouse when the county Republican party executive committee had their meeting. He stood up and spoke and he was pretty quickly interrupted and told by Greg Lewis who felt he was campaigning. FRED has been doing some digging on this so he turned the question over to him. FRED said one of the problems is the party can not get involved in the primaries. DENNIS said he understood that but this guy is running as a Republican. He would be slammed all over the place if he was a Democrat. FRED said what he had on Randy Ramsey was someone came to him and said that at those boat works down there they had a bunch of illegals that ride a bus from Havelock to the boat works. They have a contract with a civilian contractor with a green card driving the bus to carry the illegals). He has an address and he has somebody in the town hall in Havelock working on it for him. If he can find that bus and where it leaves and where it goes in there, he plans to get a video tape of it and he wants to get it before they start having these forums for these candidates. What he is trying to find out right now is if there is anybody down east or anybody that got laid off a job at Jarrett Boat Works or Atlantic Veneer, he needs to get a hold of him. He would like to talk to him because he may need some help in that area down there. He thought Wayne Willis because he knows Randy Ramsey real good. HOWARD said Ken Davis knows him. He thinks they went to high school together and he had family down there. KEN LANG is trying to find out on the computer how many employees he pays social security on and his sales and profits for the last three years. If he is paying a whole lot less employees on the books and his sales went way up, there is something wrong there somewhere. So we are trying to prove he is using illegals. If he can find what he is looking for, he going to send the SBI in for further investigation. (There was some discussion on social security numbers and e-verifying.) FRED said all he could say was he had discovered about the bus driving the illegals to the Boat Works and they were paid in cash and the employees were also paid in cash. DENNIS said he understood this but it still did not answer his question why the Republicans were unwilling to vet anyone running under the Republican banner. What if by some quirk of fate this sucker would win the primary? FRED said he wished that Ken Jones and Norman Sanderson were not running against each other. They are both good conservatives. DENNIS said that is what his concern is. This guy (Ramsey) has got a lot of money and you’ve got Jones and Sanderson running; this sucker could win. It is crazy. HOWARD said the cold hard facts of life, there is a group that wants to rule. And they can raise a lot of money so they can choose the candidate. He will give you another example: he wishes he had kept it, several of us went to the Reagan Day Dinner and that speaker (Ilario Pantano) who was there, an exMarine from Wilmington that ran for Congress the last time (who had been tried for murder against Afghanistanis and found innocent) was an excellent speaker. He mostly spoke on the Moslem and Christian Religions. While he had been a speaker at the CPAC meeting, he had gone into a books store nearby to check out their Moslem and Christian books. He found several books on the Moslem religion but only one on Christianity. They had written that book so that it sounded like the Christian religion was very violent by going back to the Old Testament. They did not even mention the New Testament and Jesus, where love and salvation was found. The books made the Moslem religion out to be the good guys. Anyway, he has just read an article where the Republican party in Wilmington is raising money to support another guy who is running against him. You have these people that are determined to control and they are going to control any way they can. DENNIS said he was not disputing what we were all saying, but his concern is you have Greg Lewis, Chairman of the Republican Party in Carteret County, and not saying a word about the problems with Ramsey and not wanting any one else to get involved with vetting the candidates. FRED said he was hoping to get delegates from all the precincts and then they could finally get rid of Greg, but over half of the precincts don’t even bother to participate. He has talked to various people about running against him, but so far no one wants to challenge him. (His term does not expire until next year.) BOB said some of the stuff he learned that is going on behind the scenes involving people and putting pieces of the puzzle together, Greg Lewis had every intention of running for Jean Preston’s seat. The rug got ripped out from underneath him when Norm Sanderson declared and Representative Pat McElraft and Asa Buck, our county sheriff, immediately endorsed Norm Sanderson. Now the other rumor he was hearing was that they got Randy Ramsey from Greg Lewis. So there is all kinds of intrigue. DENNIS said and this is the man in charge of the Republican Party here. It is crazy. BOB said yes, a lot is going on in the background and he is just glad he is involved because otherwise we would be in the complete dark about what is going on. The same thing is going on up in District 1 which is Beaufort, Hyde, Dare counties, all the way up to the Virginia border, which used to be Mark Basnight’s seat. A fellow by the name of Art Williams was lobbying the Democrats to be appointed by the governor to fill in the rest of Basnight’s term. Well they didn’t pick him, they picked some other guy, so now this Art Williams, this past October announced he was changing parties from Democrat to Republican. And who do you think was there for the gala of announcement, non other that Walter B. Jones; another big time party switcher. His letter about the Democrat Sleeper Cells was probably denied because he was talking about both of these things and how the higher ups in the party were manipulating things to pick the senators east of I95. The lady that is the editor of the Beaufort (county) Observer wrote him and said they were getting ready to run a big story on stuff going on in District 1, and then all this stuff down in District 2 was news to her, so she wants to run with a much bigger article and he is supposed to meet with her when she can get these other people all together at one point and time. He told her to let him know and he would be up there. KEN LANG wants to go along with him. HOWARD just told us there was a bunch of hanky panky going on down in the Wilmington District with Ilerio Pantano. Wanted to know if Pantano was running for an office down there. HOWARD said he was running for Congress, again against Mike McIntire. He ran against McIntire before and just bearly lost. From what he has picked up this week, there are some of the wheels in the Republican party have recruited some body to run against Patano in the Republican primary. BOB said if you listen to Norm Sanderson, part of his campaign spiel is, ’don’t let the folks in Raleigh pick your senator for you’. It is up to you to determine who your representative is going to be. There seems to be a
lot of in fighting within the Republican party over this stuff and that is a lot of the reason why they are trying to push the TEA Party off to the side because we are a big cog in their wheel. FRED said at the next Republican meeting he is going to ask Greg Lewis to his face, right there, ’were you the one responsible for warning Randy Ramsey about the demonstration?’ BOB said he would like to have his tape recorder on for that. HOWARD said, allegedly had been to Raleigh the week before and had told someone about talking to Tillis or one of the top dogs. BOB said he was sure he had met with all of them he could up there. Money has a lot to do with the outcomes. Everyone is participating a big Republican landslide. They kind of feel like whoever they throw up with an R next to their name is going to get elected to the state legislature. If the person is affiliated with the Democrats they feel they can get even more votes and make it a landslide victory and it makes him feel like the folks up there in Raleigh are more concerned about the number of “R’s” and “D’s” that are in the Legislature. If there are a lot more R’s than D’s then that controls all the committees, chairmenships, and everything within the Legislature. He thinks they just want to really solidify the Republican hold regardless of the whether they are really Republican at heart just to have the shear number of Republicans holding office. They think once these people are voted in they can hold them to the party line, but they do not have control over them. Look at Walter Jones, he’s a good example. FRED asked HOWARD what organization that held that fund raiser for Ramsey, the automobile association? HOWARD said no, he had seen an invitation, and it just named a couple of dealers and where they were having it. He said KEN had the invitation and he had asked HOWARD to go down the list to see how many names he recognized and just about every car dealer in New Bern was involved. It was a fund raiser for Harry Brown, but Harry Brown as far as he knows doesn’t have any opposition, so he will probably raise money to pass out to other candidates or give it to the party. There were also some attorneys on the list. He may have recognized about a fourth of them. There was a crowd of people on the list. It is going to be a big money raiser. They list them in different categories of how much money is donated to sponsor. Joe Alcoke is one of them; the boys that own the Buick dealership; Dodge/Chrysler; Ford; and various dealerships that are owned by Joe Alcoke. Brown is doing the same thing that Mark Basnight did. Basnight had a huge war chest of money that he would divvy out and that way he had them in his back pocket. BOB said it was up to us like minded people to get the word out about Randy Ramsey locally and we are also going to try this on a much larger scale with other counties. Where we come in as the TEA Party this coming primary election, May 8, remember during 2010 we had little ballots of recommended candidates to vote for, that we handed out, ran in the paper, and a number of us were at the polls where we sat at little tables with TEA Party banners and people would come up and we would give them our recommended list of to vote for candidates. We are going to do the same thing this time but this time it will be at the primary and try to educate the voters. By not having Randy Ramsey on our list, and with the massive amounts of letters to the editor in opposition to him; by the time it comes time to have the vote we will be encouraging the voters to decide whether they want Norm Sanderson or Ken Jones. Basically the ballot is going to say ‘the following candidates and amendments are in keeping with the TEA Party principals’. We can not use words like ‘vote for’, or ‘support’; otherwise we fall under the umbrella of the campaign finance laws and we do not want to get into all that. BOB said speaking of candidates, does anyone here know Harry Taylor. He saw a thing last night from Greg Lewis that Taylor’s filed to run for District 5. (Howard said it was in this morning’s Jacksonville paper and if it is the Harry he knows, he is about a year or so older than he is and he has known him since he was a teenager) Discussion on who this Harry Taylor is.
BOB said he had googled him and found that he had donated to Pat McElraft’s campaign in 2002 a hundred dollars. That was all he could find out. HOWARD said he had known and worked for Harry over 30 years and he is a conservative.

BOB said this past weekend a number of them had gone over to STEVEN BEST’s house. He has converted his garage to a movie theater with approximately 45 seating. We watched two DVD’s. One was called “Agenda, Grinding Down America” which was about the socialist movement within the US. He got there late and missed the first movie “Iranium” which was about Iran getting nuclear power. STEVE informed BOB that his projector has burned out and he will need $480.36 to replace it. He has asked the TEA Party to step in and help with that. We will not bring that up tonight as an issue to vote upon until the rest of our group that regularly attends here is in attendance. The last he heard from NANCY BOCK, Treasurer, before she disappeared with the treasury, we had about $1,500.00.

BOB introduced Wayne Schriever, who is with the Carteret Literacy Council. He told us that he had been with us back last fall and asked for $100.00 donation to help sponsor the Carteret Literacy Council‘s 10th Annual Literacy Spelling Bee. He was just bringing us a copy of the program in which our advertisement was published. He said we were one of the three organizations that donated to this project, ‘the Carteret County Republican Party’, ‘the Crystal Coast Republican Women‘, and ‘Crystal Coast TEA Party Patriots’. All the others were businesses. EULA discussed the methods of teaching used by the Literacy Council and the benefits derived with Mr. Schriever. He told us how much he appreciated our support and hoped we would continue. He would see us again in the fall.

BOB called on ERIC BROYLES. He said he had been communicating with Pat McElraft trying to come up with an understanding of how they proportion out the money for the schools and she has agreed to speak to our group, targeting for March 7. He does not have it finalized yet. ERIC wanted to give us a heads up on what is going on there because he thinks we need to understand the money apportionment. Some students and some counties are getting $13,000.00 per student while our students only get $4,900.00 per student. BOB said March 6 is the first Tuesday and we have a split group that day. Could he make it the 13th. ERIC said he would check it out. HOWARD said it was mentioned last night. They had a program at the County Commissioners meeting and talked about a mental health program and how they are combining the counties and we are becoming part of 5 counties. Right now it is Carteret/Onslow. The same thing is going on there. The amount they are getting per person varies widely from county to county. ERIC said he thought it was based on what they call wealth distribution. From what he has learned there are 4 different levels. 1 being the poorest counties and 4 being the richer counties. Carteret falls in level 4. He doesn’t know if that is the right thing to be basing how our kids are being funded by the state. He thinks it is still an old Democratic scheme that the money goes typically to those who normally vote Democrat. If that is the case, the Democrats are using that as a mechanism to possibly secure and buy votes. That is not fair to our students here. They are entitled to an equal quality education.

Secondly, ERIC said he did not know if we saw the article in the newspaper the other day about the closing of Marine Science Lab Charter School (Cape Lookout). Cape Lookout right now services those students that have actually been abandoned by our school system. They were kicked out, saying they (the teachers) could not work with them and now Dr Novey stated in that article that they would accept them back with open arms. How do you accept someone back with open arms when you had expelled them from the school system? It is a known fact that Dr. Novey is not in favor of competition which the charter schools represent. He was not in favor of that bill that was recently passed to increase the number of charter schools because it holds them accountable for the job they do. BOB wanted to know why they are closing the charter school. ERIC said apparently they are short funds of about $46,000.00. They expected an enrollment of over 100 students and only ended up with something like 64. According to Mr. Schriever it was their own fault for not budgeting correctly. While he is all for the school, they were irresponsible in preparing their budget. That is true but he also in thinking back we had a $500,000.00 ’gift card’ that was given to the school system after only two months and we are here shooting down a charter school that should be equally supported as well as our county school system. He thinks that we as voters need to inquire, call, talk about….HOWARD said if you will look, he had no idea who was on the board of directors, but if you look at who is the Board of Directors Chairman and the directors are, it will tell you the story, if you know it. Mr. Schriever agreed. HOWARD said he is not competent in his opinion. ERIC said the article said on December 15, 2011 that the board had approved another year for Cape Lookout. Two years ago this school had to go to court to get the necessary support. He said his mother-in-law is a teacher and she tends to be on the liberal side of the world, but she did fight for this school and put a lot of effort into it, ensuring it existed and up and running because she was doing a lot of teaching for those children that have difficulty responding. The article said this school has done these children a world of good. They cannot compete or exist in a current school system as it is. We all know we have teachers that expect perfect kids. ERIC feels we should look into it. If there is something we can do, he thinks competition is good, he thinks we need to put our other school system in checkmate, because for 5 years the educational testing indicates that the quality of reading, math, and writing has gone down in this county. HOWARD said he totally agreed with ERIC that something needs to be done about Cape Lookout School. It should survive, but the board is one of their biggest problems. BOB said he understood that somewhere back around Christmas that the state was on track to extend their charter for another 3 years and then when they came up with this budgetary shortfall, they decided to yank the plug on them. Is that what happened? Someone said Morehead City owns the building and the school is so far in arrears with the rent and utilities that Morehead City is paying. Maybe if they had someplace else to go, but he read in the paper that is not the case. ERIC said he is in favor of completion among the schools because that is the only thing to check on…Mr Schriever said you cannot have a school like that that is irresponsible for the funds they have either. Believe it or not they do not even have enough money to pay for the heating system and the heat has been off in the building most of the winter. This drew much discussion. ERIC said he had brought it up to see if there was anything we could do. He knew we could make some phone calls to the County Commissioners, saying look this upcoming budget please try to make sure Cape Lookout gets their fair share. That might help the situation. He does not want to see any charter schools die in our county. We only have two. He would like to see more started. SUSAN RYNAS said she had talked to the gentleman who is running for State School Superintendent at the Reagan Dinner. BOB said he would like to get both candidates that are running to come and talk with us. It appears they both want more charter schools.

HOWARD said there is a guy running for judge named Kirby Smith that is getting a lot of signs up here in the county. He has had them up in Craven for some time. Does anyone know who he is or anything about him? BOB said there is a web site called judgepedia and you can go to NC and it will list all the judges in the various districts. We are in district 3A. HOWARD said he didn’t think he was currently a judge. BOB said this website will list the current judges and when their terms are up. There are currently seven judges but Waddell is retiring at the end of this term and Mills in New Bern has been appointed to replace him as Chief Justice of the District Court System. So he does not know who is going to run for Waddell’s seat, but all seven are up for re-election in 2012. When he was digging in the background of all of them, he found that all of them had been appointed by Easley or Perdue. So we can assume they are all liberal just based on the Democrat Party affiliation; including Mills, who was appointed by Easley. He doesn’t think that any in the Superior Court are up for election and Judge Newby is on the State Supreme Court. He is up for re-election and we definitely want to endorse him on our voting ballot. Right now there is a 4-3 majority of conservative vs. liberals on the state supreme court and if Newby falls to a liberal that will tilt the state supreme court on to the liberal side, so we really need to make sure Newby gets re-elected. His campaign slogan is “Scooby Dooby vote for Newby”. That way you won’t forget it. FRED said he had a lot of judges, even some who are Democrats, supporting him. He doesn’t think anyone so far has filed against him. Discussion on Karen Alexander who is a judge. Main thing they could find out about her was she was involved in a non-custodial fathers trying to ensure visitation rights group. ERIC said we really need to start working on our list of candidates.

JERE GEURIN said there is also a website that you can go to that ranks the judges. They have a rating system and they give you a numerical score for each of the judges that are now on the bench. He couldn’t remember the name of the site, but you might be able to just google NC Judges Rating System and find it. He said he would try to remember to bring the website next week. Question was raised as to who was rating the judges and JERE said he thought the bar association was.

DENNIS wanted to know if they had their teleconference last night. BOB said yes, but he had a problem getting into it. DENNIS wanted to know also about the trip to Washington on March 24. BOB said the TEA Party was pushing it to be a rather significant event. Buses are already planned from the west coast. It is the Repeal Rally, because that is when the Supreme Court starts hearing the case on Obamacare. You can not protest or rally outside of the Supreme Court so the TEA Party has permits to have a rally on the east lawn of the Capitol Building which faces the Supreme Court Building. Americans for Prosperity is having another similar event there on the 27th. The TEA Party Patriots are having different training events going on on the 25th and 26th, so there may be folks that want to stay over for all the events. Someone said there were buses leaving out of Wilmington. STEVE said he thought it was being conducted by the Civitas.
It just said $15.00 to register and sign up for your tickets. BOB said he go a hold of Mark Hagar who is the NC Coordinator for the TEA Party Patriots. He is oven in Charlotte. He is talking about us linking up with the buses coming from the west but BOB is not impressed with that idea. He was floating around in the Wilson TEA Party website and about 15 or so people were wanting to go to DC and wanting to know if the Wilson TEA Party was going to organize a bus or if they knew of anyone that was organizing a bus. He could have responded and said we were trying to get one out of the Crystal Coast TEA Party but it was a lot of trouble to get in the chat room; having to give a users name, pass word, etc. and then your email box gets choked up with spam and junk mail and he has enough of that already.

BOB said speaking about Agenda 21, he and STEVEN went to Kinston last night for the Agenda 21 seminar and Bob Pruitt went along and some other local folks as well as some from New Bern. They had a pretty good turnout, probably 50 or 60 people were there. The Deli right there next to the Court House was packed. They were dragging tables in from the back rooms and trying to find chairs for people to sit in. The fellow that gave the presentation was based on a presentation he had heard from some other individual. It was good but it wasn’t comprehensive. It didn’t really cover everything. If you didn’t know anything about Agenda 21 at all, it would basically stimulate you to learn more about it and start doing your own research. BOB then basically overviewed what Agenda 21 was for those who have not been attending our regular meetings. The whole scheme of this thing is to restructure society around a plan to occupy less land.

JERE again reminded us about the Marriage Amendment that would be on the ballot in the primary. Please vote for and encourage your friends and neighbors to vote also. It affects not only you but your children also.

Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by PEGGY GARNER, Secretary.