Several weeks ago, just before I left town on a vacation, I was the subject of a scathing personal attack by Ms. Sally Haines of Pelitier, in the Opinion Section of the Tideland News. After considerable thought, I decided to respond to Ms. Haines obvious use of the Marxist/Fascist tactic of; Attack the Messenger, Not The Message. The vicious pit-bull response to my earlier opinion letter by Ms. Haines is typical of what is often used when no objective intellectual argument is available to the responder. My questioning of the the thinking/motives of our Democrat Governor on the Electoral Process was minor when compared to that of many political commentators asking a similar question in both radio, television and newspapers in our area, our state and nationally, about the same incident. My final decision to respond was based on a reminder from a friend that; if I did not respond to such a personal attack, I would be no less guilty than some of the spineless politically correct politicians in Raleigh and Washington of whom I am often critical. I hope Ms. Haines soon recovers from what ever ails her and does not suffer too much mental pain in the coming election year as Obama and Perdue’s march towards more big government Socialism is halted and relegated to the ash heap of history.
Austin M. “Gus” Wilgus