Carteret County Commissioner Tells Concerned Citizen to "Go Home"
Video of “exchange” between County Commissioner and Nelson Paul on the Outer Banks Scenic Byway –
One thought on “Carteret County Commissioner Tells Concerned Citizen to "Go Home"”
Mr. Paul owns property in Carteret County and he pays Carteret County property taxes. That qualifies him to address the County Commissioners. The wind turbine issue is a totally separate issue from the Outer Banks Scenic Byways, and it seems the issues raised by Mr. Paul might be something to be concerned about. If one is to dismiss Mr. Paul on an issue that is not relevant to the Scenic Byways, then one might dismiss all of your opinions because of disagreement on a single issue. As far as wanting Mr. Paul as part of the local Tea Party, I know of no attempt to recruit him or to dissuade him from attending meetings. Posting an exchange between Mr. Paul and a County Commissioner is not an endorsement of him or an invitation of the sort you suggest. This posting is informational, and you are free to draw your own conclusions.
Mr. Paul owns property in Carteret County and he pays Carteret County property taxes. That qualifies him to address the County Commissioners. The wind turbine issue is a totally separate issue from the Outer Banks Scenic Byways, and it seems the issues raised by Mr. Paul might be something to be concerned about. If one is to dismiss Mr. Paul on an issue that is not relevant to the Scenic Byways, then one might dismiss all of your opinions because of disagreement on a single issue. As far as wanting Mr. Paul as part of the local Tea Party, I know of no attempt to recruit him or to dissuade him from attending meetings. Posting an exchange between Mr. Paul and a County Commissioner is not an endorsement of him or an invitation of the sort you suggest. This posting is informational, and you are free to draw your own conclusions.