Meeting was held at Golden Corral, Morehead City, NC
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by President BOB CAVANAUGH
Pledge of Allegiance was led by DIANE LANG
Invocation by HARRY THOMPSON
No in Attendance – 26
BOB asked our new comers to please identify and give a brief account of where they are from: Jeff Crane, from Havelock; Curtis Williams, from Newport. FRED DECKER introduced the two ladies with him: Conservative Republicans – Ruth Barnes and Jane Cameron, who are candidates for town council of Atlantic Beach. Fred is trying to set up a phone committee to campaign for the two ladies. Would appreciate any help he can get.
Ms. Barnes spoke on why she is running: TAXES!! The current board keeps raising taxes and apparently they have plenty of money already because now they are planning to build a big “Taj Mahal” town hall. She feels that if they have enough money to build this hall, then they should build a smaller building and lower taxes. The group currently in power is considered the Ocean 6, and are mostly Democrats. (There are a couple of Republican also) and they are running Atlantic Beach in the ground. HOWARD GARNER asked “If someone who doesn’t live at Atlantic Beach starts making phone calls in your behalf, is that going to create a problem or back fire?” Ms. Barnes said Fred had a little blurp he had written up and you just give your name and not where you are from. Fred read the info he had written up. ‘My name is _____ and I am calling about the upcoming election for Atlantic Beach town council and we are concerned about property taxes. I would like to ask you to vote for conservatives Ruth Barnes and Jane Cameron, who are committed to keeping your taxes down. Thank you.” Ms. Barnes was asked if they had a web site. She said no, but they probably should since Ocean 6 has one. They do have email addresses: rbarnes@starfishnet.com and janecameron@starfishnet.com. They left several of their cards with us. Ms. Cameron then spoke. She said she had lived at Atlantic Beach for about 20 years and while she is new to running for office, she has worked in Ms. Barnes campaigns in the past, sort of her campaign chairman and committee. She said her burning issues are the taxes and sewer….taxes mainly. She was asked what was wrong with the sewer? Her response was ’There is none!!!’ As Ms. Barnes had explained the current board wants to build a big town hall and they want to put it on the property that was bought for a sewer system. She would like to see that property kept for the purpose it was originally intended – sewer system, which as she explained was set up for that purpose by the town council several years ago, and they were mostly Republicans. The property being discussed is where the old Food Lion originally was located. WAYNE WILLIS said he remembers when a lot of issues on sewer at Atlantic Beach were popping up. The restaurants still have to have their systems pumped, in other words they are using a ’honey wagon’ for a septic tank. It has been like that since they built the bridge. Ms. Cameron said she did not want the property to be used for something else and then when the opportunity to have a sewer system arises, they will not be able to say ’well, we can’t do it, because we don’t have anywhere to put it.’ BOB thanked them for coming by and talking to us and wished them well in their upcoming campaign.
BOB said he understood where they were coming from. So often it happens that tax monies are appropriated for a certain item and then they are used for something else. Comment was made ’like the schools’. Original intent was for a sewer system and now a town hall, instead. This happens too often.
BOB then called on Jeff Crane for a few words about voting Republican. He currently lives in Havelock and moved down here from Cherokee, NC – came to his senses and moved to the beach. He is from the south – he grew up in southern Connecticut. He was a training instructor in the Coast Guard for four years back in the 70’s and in the 80’s he was in the Army Infantry. He was stationed at Fort Myer, in Arlington, Va. He was on the presidential honor guard when President Reagan was in office. He just came tonight to more or less be a cheer leader. This morning Ben Ball was on the radio and the science question was ‘how do you decrease velocity?’ and he called up and told him “Vote Republican”. This country is moving so fast that we can’t even read the bills that we are creating. I’m here to tell you, don’t rely just on your vote. Talk to these kids, talk to your kids’ kids, your friends, your kids’ friends. Encourage them to vote Republican. Tie them up; do something; inform them; make them realize what is happening in our country. You know what is happening – inform them. Spread the word to these kids. It was the kids that voted for Barrack Obama. Once when he was in Bangor Maine, seven thousand people lined up outside to see Obama; all kids…young people. They were going to change the United States. Now they need to change the change. We want to get this country back to where it was before Obama. He went on to say ‘About 10 years ago he met his birth mother. She lived in Blue Hill Maine when he was born. The Kennedy’s frequented there. He never has met his Dad. That was as much as he was going to say about that, but he met his mother and she related that her mother’s name was Adams so he is related to John Quincy and Samuel Adams….and his blood boils when he thinks of how this country has become the melting pot which has become the sewer of the world. We are better than that. He applauds these ladies who just spoke to us, and applauds or commends us for just being here and being concerned about our country. We need to multiply. He would like to see a room the size of this building full of TEA Party members in this county. Get the word out. Thank you.
BOB then called on EULA PARKIN to speak. EULA asked us ‘what can you do with just one dollar?’ (She had asked anyone interested in buying a book she had a copy of to please sign up. If she got 25 names, then she could get the books for $1.00 each in lieu of $3.00.) She asked us if we remembered the shootings over in Europe, where a man had blown up a building and then went to an island and shot a lot of people? The government had tried to blame Robert Spencer, author of Islamifobia , the book she is talking about us ordering) for stirring up the murderer and the government wanted to try him (the author) in court. His name had appeared in several pages of this murderer 1500 page manifesto that the murderer had written. Two days after the incident, the New York Times ran a headline linking the murders to Robert Spencer. She had felt sorry for the author and sent him a donation to help with his costs to defend his name. He sent her a copy of his book in appreciation. She read several short passages from the book (thought crimes, totalitarian state, more than 17,000 terrorists attacks by Islamic Jhadist since September 11, 2000, etc,- but no terrorist attacks against Muslims, at least not by non-Muslims) and told us we would find the small book most interesting and encouraged us to sign up for a copy. BOB said he thought there were enough funds in the TEA Party account to purchase 25 copies of this book. Asked if anyone was opposed to that idea. There was none, so EULA was requested to order 25 copies and the TEA Party would reimburse her.
BOB then introduced HARRY THOMPSON to speak. HARRY said a couple of weeks ago KEN LANG asked him about again contacting the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh and maybe having another or a follow up to the Constitutional Workshop we had last January. We had very good turnout. Seems like 80 something people showed up for that session. He has received a response from Dr. Kempler who suggested having the second part of this workshop, since we had the first, last January. He read a portion of Dr. Kempler’s letter on what the second part is about. ’Workshop number 2. In a continuous effort to understand how the founding era relates to our current Constitutional crisis, we offer this new workshop which focuses on what is arguably the most important facts of the founding era. The Federalists supported and the Anti-Federalists opposed the application of the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. The arguments about the federal principals of our Constitutional Government still speak to us 224 years later. Understanding this debate among some of most famous founders enables us to clarify our present predicament. Even though they engaged in a vigorous and sometimes bitter debate over the meaning of the Constitution, both sides would be horrified with how the Constitution has been twisted and distorted by the present ideology. Liberal court justices and Presidents and congressmen, all want to expand government to assure their immediate re-election.” This is sort of what the workshop will be based on and he just wanted to bring it up to you all here to find out if we want to go in as a partner with the John Locke Foundation to get this workshop presented again this coming year. Dr. Kempler suggested that January, as last year, would be a good time to hold the session again to kick things off for the coming year. Several attendees thought this would be a great idea. One asked where it was held last year…Community College, Joslyn Hall.
HARRY thought it would be a good place to hold it again. Asked how long the session ran. HARRY said he thought it started about 9 or 10:00 in the morning and ran until about 3 in the afternoon, with a break for lunch. Last year the price was like $10.00 maybe or maybe it was $5.00 since we did not include a lunch, he is not positive. A meal would have to be catered and so he is sure we did not do that last year; so he’s pretty sure it was only $5.00 last year. KEN LANG said he understood we want HARRY to go ahead and set this up? BOB said yes. KEN said he thought January was a good time last year, it’s around the bottom of all the holidays, etc. and he thought the time worked good.
FRED said for all the retired military keep your eyes on the television November 23 and you will find out what is going to happen to your benefits. Another thing; Walter Jones is holding a fund raiser in Greenville. He is going to endorse Ron Paul, who will be his guest. BOB said Jones backed Ron Paul last election.
LOU KUKULINSKI asked how many had signed up for the Hillsdale Constitutional College? This is coming up pretty quickly. Go online to get the information. It is free. Even if you miss a class they have reviews on the web site, so it doesn’t make any difference. KEN said he thought it was too late for this year, but they are offering that series of seminars on the Constitution for free and we should get NANCY BOCK to look into it and see if they can’t get the high schools to pick that up because it will not cost them anything. That was one of the things the school officials said, that they did not have the money to buy all the materials for stuff like that. The schools have taken a lot of pride in all their teleconferencing and telecommuting and all this other tele-stuff they are doing at the high schools now, so this fits right into their modern day upgrade program for teaching kids. We should look into this.
BOB recognized WAYNE WILLIS. WAYNE said he had just gotten the first request for donations from Hillsdale for the Imprimis newsletter and he had been getting that newsletter for 25 years. Somebody put his name on that list and you get it free, so he was surprised to get a request for money for some kind of Chairman’s fund. It is an excellent newsletter and if anyone who is not already receiving it, let him know and he will get you a form for requesting it. It has Ronald Reagan’s speeches, Rush Limbaugh’s talks, stuff like that. PAT NALITZ said most of the speeches printed are from talks given at colleges and universities. They are that good. WAYNE said the other update was, (BOB said yeah, I see the CD), Wayne – yeah, I’ve got a CD but that is not what you think it is. That is to try to fix my computer, which has crashed. The guy who was helping him with his project brought it to him so he could open the virus/bug chaser programs already installed in his computer that he can not open. The project now has 50 pictures in the software and you can play the game. He has played it on his computer. If you get 10 correct answers out of the 100 in that category, you get 10 points. If you get 10 wrong answers, it takes 10 points away. If you get 100 then you win. There is a picture, that we are putting in there, that every time a subject comes up that you have to pick one of the 4 about that subject it will have 100 questions. They were sent to him and there was so much information sent, it locked up his computer. He said he did not have enough RAM. He hopes that in the next few weeks we will have it ready. He is sending it off to the patent lawyer to make sure that he won’t get into trouble with Theresa Earnhart, by having a picture of Dale or something like that.
BOB called for Open Floor. TOM HARMON said he was watching the President today and he was telling everybody to call your congressmen to pass his jobs bill. So TOM thought that was a good idea about calling his congressman; so he called Jones and told him, ‘don’t you dare pass that bill unless you have read it and it is going to help the people in NC‘. These jobs he is talking about better be for more that just the union members. It is all crazy. In California they are going to pass a law that any pond or lake has to be environmentally checked and could cost those people who own those ponds or lakes 100 thousand dollars at least. They are checking the fish to make sure aren’t eating the golden legged frogs/worms, whatever the h–l they are talking about. They are going to put people out of business. You know, if it passes in California, then lookout.
SUSAN RYNAS said she was surprised that we had not gotten more negative information on Eric Holder. He is a good one to be gotten rid of. She doesn’t care if you think he didn’t know what was going on with he Fast & Furious, in his position, he should have and regardless of whether he knew or not, he still should be out of there. He should no longer be director of that office. That is not the first thing he did. Remember the Black Panthers who threatened the white people at the polls and would not let them in to vote? He will not enforce the laws or have any charges against black on white. Also he was the one that wanted to have the terrorists tried in New York City. KEN said the good thing about that was with the Fast & Furious, it seems like about every week or week and a half, something new comes out of the woodwork. Otherwise they would be sweeping it under the carpet. It seems like things just keep coming out and keeping it alive. He thinks the only reason that Holter has not been let go already is most of the major networks are not covering it. It is covered on FOX, on talk radio, and conservative places like that. Darryl Issa’s doing all he can to get information out about it. If the major news networks picked it up, he would be out of there. Information would come out even faster. TOM H said ABC picked up on it. PAT said their reporter was the one that broke it.
WAYNE said he had two more things that had popped up. The comment on the Jobs bill; that is a lie, just like everything else Obama has put a name on, that he has been trying to do since 08. It is not a Job bill; it’s a Tax increase. From all he has read about it, that is all that is in there – tax increases. The other thing is, has anyone here gotten an update on the Williston Basin which he has mentioned in this room before and either no one paid any attention or cared. What he had said before was that there was a reserve of natural reserves of oil in the basin which is a large area in Northwest USA, with part of it in Canada. At the time he found out about it, 5 or 6 years ago, it was known then that there was something like 5 times more oil there than ever was in Saudi Arabia and now the most recent report says that there is like 33 times more and if this crowd of Communist sympathizers don’t get run out of Washington, DC, we are going to be permanently dependent on the middle east. To get a gallon of gas to get over here to a meeting we will be paying 12 or 15 dollars a gallon. He had met a woman while he was on a business trip with Carteret Craven Electric (when he was on that board), who owned a trucking company, and asked her how much oil was there in that basin, and she told him there was no end to it. They are using that frog or worm or whatever to shake down and stop the pipeline. They are trying to starve Capitalism out of existence.
BOB recognized SCOTT CARPENTER. SCOTT wanted to know if anyone had heard who it was thought won the debate last night or did BOB get any feedback from the web discussion he usually was on. BOB said they did not have a weekly web-a-nar this Monday, due to the debate. He thought they may have a meeting tonight but he would not be able to make it. We usually talk about debates; who won, who got better points; etc., but pretty much leave it up to each individual. They do not want to be in a top down position of telling the various TEA Parties who won and who lost. PEGGY GARNER said she was very impressed with Wolf Blitzer last night. She felt he was a much fairer moderator than the previous debate’s moderators. All agreed. More than half in attendance watched the debate. When BOB asked ‘Who Won’? Several gave their opinions. One said they felt they all won. The way they were batting each other around, they basically were singing to the choir, they should be going after Obama, rather that each other. Another said they like the way Michelle defended herself against Mr. Perry. Even though it may have been a petty issue, she still took issue about cronyism. HARRY said he had read today that according to ‘red state’, Perry had actually come out the winner. He got beat up a lot, but he sort of held his own. LOU said the Drudge Report said the same thing. BOB said he heard on the radio that the one that really made out was Mitt Romney because he managed to get through another debate without anyone really going after him. It was all ‘let’s get Perry now’. LOU said that Newt Gingrich really came up with some great one liners. All agreed. BOB asked if anyone thought Michelle Bachman won the day. PEGGY said she didn’t win but she came up in the ratings due to her performance. Others said she had made a better showing this time. BOB asked about Herman Cain. Most felt Cain had done exceptionally good also. KEN said the only problem was they did not direct that many questions to him. STEVE BEST (I think) said they never do. KEN said he thought Ron Paul was like he usually is, he did real good on some questions and other ones he shot himself in the foot. He got booed several times. TOM H said on the economy Paul makes sense, but when he gets on foreign policy, and the military, he loses it, by saying we should ignore Iran and countries like that. LOU said Rush said today that to continue the debates we should throw out the two Democrats, Ron Paul and Huntsman. KEN said he thought Huntsman made a fool out of himself last night. HARRY said he was really surprised at how well someone from CNN conducted the debate. That was the best one of the three so far. He thought the reason for it was the format of using the TEA Party for questions. Wolf did a real good job keeping everything moving along. KEN said he thought there were some good questions asked. WAYNE said it looked to him that they all jumped on Perry because he is currently in the top slot and Wayne’s criticism was instead of jumping on each other, they should have all gone after Obama. BOB said yes, but this was a primary debate.
HOWARD said he had a couple more questions on the Williston Basin. The main stream media has pretty much ignored it, but last week, he thinks it may have been FOX, one of the networks did bring up about the Williston Basin. He thinks that TOM AUSTIN said in here a few weeks ago that he had been out there and he knew that oil was there. WAYNE said if they would turn that Williston Basin loose and let them drill like they want to then oil would go back to a few dollars a barrel again. Someone wanted to know if that was liquid oil or sand oil. WAYNE said both. BOB said there was an oil sand company (couldn’t remember name of it ) but China had just bought them out. The company was like about 2 billion dollars in debt. He thinks it was an American Company operating in Canada that got bought out by China.
LOU said what is even more scarier than that is Obama’s administration is putting out 100 new restrictions on this country every day. The way it is going now, we may not make it 14 more months. We gotta do something quick. WAYNE says the biggest problem we have is that Obama crowd. By 2014 we won’t be a to get an aspirin at CVS. BOB asked if anyone knew how the New York elections went or are going (for Weiner’s seat). Voting is supposed to be over tonight at 9:00 pm. Last he heard was the Republican had a 6 point lead. It has been almost 90 years since a Republican has held that seat. There was another election in Nevada today also, but it appears that the Republican will take that seat with no problem since that district is Republican.
BOB said he was going to have to leave and join his compadres, who had already vacated the premises, for a Republican meeting. We will meet again next Tuesday and hopefully will have some candidates running for office with us again.
SCOTT asked if we could talk real quick on what happened down in Cape Carteret last week. PAT said they had 27 attendees at the meeting, so it was a nice turnout. They had a lot of folks that had never been there before. SCOTT wanted to know where they were holding their meetings. Explained it was the Community Center and described how to get there. PAT said what KEN had had everyone do is introduce themselves and give a brief discussion of who they are and what they do. It was really interesting because they got to know the people there, who they were, where they were from and a little something about what they do and/or are thinking and concerned about. It was very informative. BOB said he understood that the meeting might be moving over to Debbie Rucker’s Restaurant, (Rucker John’s) in the near future. Debbie said she had a back room they could use during the off season. They don’t know exactly when that is going to happen. BOB said he didn’t think she could put more than 30 people in there. He guesses they might be able to spill over on the deck.
PEGGY (jokingly) said the Western TEA Party did not have a Secretary and they had invited her down. BOB said “What?” Others said that needed voting on and another said ‘abandon ship’. BOB said they could get a recorder that had voice recognition and then type on the computer what was said. PEGGY said she had a recorder but couldn’t afford those attachments/software. She works for a ‘cheap’ company, but really has no complaints yet.
BOB adjourned the meeting at 6:50pm.
Minutes submitted by PEGGY GARNER, Secretary.