AUGUST 16, 2011
Meeting held at Western Carteret County Community Center, Cedar Point
Meeting was called to order by KEN LANG at 7:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance was led by WAYNE WILLIS
Invocation by DEBBIE RUCKER
KEN LANG welcomed everyone in attendance and thanked them for coming. He explained that the Crystal Coast TEA Party Patriot group, that was organized approximately 3 years ago and meets at the Golden Corral in Morehead City, has had for many months the aspiration of establishing other TEA Party groups at each end of the county. Hopefully, tonight culminates one of those dreams. He explained how he had attempted to find a restaurant in which to meet where the attendees could have a meal prior to the meeting as we have in Morehead; however most restaurants, especially this time of year, are cautious about utilizing space in their restaurants that may be needed by tourists looking for a good place to eat. He settled on the Community Center. When he first talked to Dave, who takes care of the Center, Ken thought he would only need a small room, especially at the beginning, since he was expecting possibly 15 or 20 people to attend. We are a little larger tonight, since the meeting in Morehead was cancelled in order for several of that group to be here to welcome everyone tonight. While the Morehead Group meets every Tuesday night, plans are for this new group to meet the first and third Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Ken said he may be looking for a different meeting location later on in the year, since use of the little room in the back here, costs $10.00 and the one we are currently using is $30.00 an hour. Dave kindly allowed us the use of this larger room tonight since we were expecting the group from Morehead to attend. Dave set up 30 chairs for the meeting but more chairs were needed, due to the large turnout.
Ken, for those who were not familiar with the TEA Party, presented a little background. He said he had been on the radio last night with Lockwood Phillips, and Lockwood had asked questions about the TEA Party; who and how many attended the meetings, what kind of organization it was, etc. He had been asked tonight “Why are we not more centralized and combined with other TEA Parties. KEN explained that he felt our strength evolved from being small groups of people and decentralized, as opposed to having some group at the top telling us what to do. That gives us the ability to focus on local issues as well as other levels of government. If you really want to get involved in this organization or just attend the meetings, you can still get overwhelmed with so many things going on at the state level, federal level, as well as Carteret County level. It is a lot to focus on. So, we are not a formal organization; we are not incorporated; not a 5013C; nor any type of organization like that. We have talked in the past about establishing by-laws, but we rejected that. We decided we are more effective having informal gatherings where we can discuss issues; enjoying a more relaxed atmosphere where everyone feels free to speak his opinion. He said some of us are Republicans, more of us are Independents, and maybe some closet Democrats. He said he did know that in the past there were some conservative Democrats, but he doesn’t know how they can find a home in the Democrat Party today.
KEN, then apologized saying he was so overwhelmed with the large turnout that he had forgotten that we usually start our meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation. He called on WAYNE WILLIS to lead us in the Pledge and asked DEBBIE RUCKER to give the Invocation.
KEN encouraged anyone who has not gone on our web site to please do so. He did not want to utilize our time tonight talking about our mission, core values, etc. They are on our web site. But he felt it was important that we are aware of the main things we focus on: (1) fiscal responsibility, (2) free market economy, and (3) limited government. We are loosely under the umbrella of the national TEA Party Patriots organization. There are several TEA Party organizations, small groups, and organizations like the Americans for Prosperity, John Locke Society, and others. We just happen to be associated with the TEA Party Patriots.
KEN introduced the officers of the Crystal Coast TEA Party in attendance, BOB CAVANAUGH, President/Chairman, ERIC BROYLES, Vice President/Chairman, PEGGY GARNER, Secretary, and NANCY BOCK, (who is not with us tonight) Treasurer. The funds we accrue through the sales of t-shirts, hats and miscellaneous items and donations are used for paying for our tax day rally; that is held in April every year, and this year we participated in Beaufort’s 4th of July parade.
We passed out around 1000 pocket Constitutions. Most appreciated our providing them a copy; however there was one man who refused to take a copy, saying he wanted no part of the TEA Party’s propaganda and trash. Ken only had one copy of the pocket Constitution with him for pass out; however, Peggy had three more that she gave to those requesting it. Ken said he would be sure to have more at the next meeting. He said he had other information available on the table for anyone wishing to read it. He had several copies of the Carolina Journal and informed the audience as to how to obtain a free subscription. He also had a few of the re-districting maps also.
KEN asked BOB CAVANAUGH to please introduce tonight’s guest speaker. Bob said the TEA Party tries to get involved in elections, but back in 2010, it just got so cumbersome with all the primaries, and trying to vet all the candidates, that we didn’t get everything done we would like to have. Luckily, we only have the local elections going on this year, so we have been trying to get some of the candidates for office to come down and talk to us. Since we are kicking off a new TEA party group here in the western end of Carteret County, we have Dave Fowler, candidate for Mayor of Cape Carteret with us tonight to tell us what is in store for Cape Carteret, and how he might impact it….Or he might tell us something entirely different.
David thanked the TEA Party for inviting him tonight and promised to be brief. He acknowledged a lot of friendly faces he recognized in the crowd here tonight, (Ken and Bob, having worked with them at the poles in the past), Debbie Rucker, Clayton Gillikin, several neighbors, and Richie Renna, candidate for Cape Carteret town board. David said we were well represented here tonight. Technically, we are not in Cape Carteret, but in Cedar Point, but we won’t tell anybody about that. He said he goes a long way back with the TEA Party. He attended the first meeting, also the big rally in Newport, and several others. He said he had been concerned about the TEA Party recently. Word was that it was fizzling out and could not sustain its momentum. But then when he saw the other night on TV that John Kerry was trying to stop the media from even printing anything about the TEA Party, and also referred to the downgrade by S&P as the “TEA Party downgrade”; then he quit worrying about us. He knew the TEA Party was here to stay. He said he was an arch conservative, that this is where he and the TEA Party run together. Socially, we may be different, but this country has challenges in front of it right now, economically; so we all better be on the same page, because we are all going to go down together if we are not. I want you to know there are economic issues right here in Cape Carteret that mirror the same conditions we find in Washington, DC and Raleigh. Believe it or not, a town like Cape Carteret has deficit spending, trouble balancing its budget, and borrowing against its future. Mr. Fowler said he is the one person who has been vocal about that for the last few years and he is going to try to stem the tide. The only way to do that is NEW leadership, new commissioners, and hopefully new leadership from the top. I have been in politics about 30 years now, and my wife, Wanda, who many of you may remember is the long time principal of White Oak Elementary School, will attest that I have been in politics too long, but I plan to be in it for a while longer because I have a lot to do and a lot to say. Hopefully, I will have a lot of people join me in this crusade to become the mayor of Cape Carteret and bring financial stability to our town, while we still have time to do that. Any Cape Carteret voters or have friends who are, I appeal to you to help me if you can, and if you can’t, just don’t say anything bad. I do want you to know that in the western end of this county you do have at least one friend and his name is Dave Fowler and he thanks you for allowing him to speak to you here tonight. Thank you.
Bob said he understands that Cape Carteret is in a financial pickle; that they have been spending money like drunken sailors – $50,000.00 for a crematory to burn road kill! The county has a crematory, why does Cape Carteret need one also. Is there that many animals getting run over?
Bob invited Richie Renna up to speak to the audience also. Mr. Renna said he really didn’t want to take anything away from the TEA Party but he is glad he is here. He had always wanted to learn more about the TEA Party and get involved with it, ever since he was a Glenn Beck watcher. He was impressed with the TEA Party marches in Washington. He was glad the TEA Party happened. With all the fiscal problems we have today and the people who are destroying our country; he just felt it was something really needed. He has written letters to the editor about things that are going wrong, most importantly in Cape Carteret. He and his wife run a restaurant on Emerald Isle and they got to know a lot of people. That is how he met Dave. He always made Italian food for him, parmesan; he loves it. Dave has some great ideas and we are sort of on the same scope. He is right; there are things in this town that need to be shaped up. He is amazed how much character this town has. He and his wife, Sue, live here and enjoy it. He doesn’t want to see it go in a direction that will not be good for us; like the major increases in taxes. He thanked the TEA Party very much for allowing him to speak with the group tonight. (Peggy gave him a copy of the pocket Constitution and he thanked her and said he would keep it with him always.)
Bob said Richard Hunt was another candidate running for town commissioner. He is very outspoken and we probably have read several of his letters to the editor also. Bob had tried to get him to attend tonight but he was unable, so Bob hoped to get him to one of our meetings in the near future.
Bob said he wanted to bring up that Frank Palumbo, who just retired as Chief of Police in New Bern, and had spoken to the group in Morehead a few months ago, had let Bob know that he has declared his entry into the District 3 race to challenge Walter B. Jones. He is planning to announce his entry on the 24th of August at the convention center in New Bern. It is going to be at 12:30 in the afternoon. Bob plans to be there and would like to bring an army of TEA Party members with him (as many as possible) to show that Frank has some support with a big fan fare there of red TEA Party shirts. The redistricting with Carteret and Onslow counties being chopped out, Palumbo’s chances just evaporated; however, when they again redistricted it and returned Carteret and Onslow counties to District 3, plus, where there had been 17 counties, now there are 22 counties in the District. Frank feels that the five additional county voters do not know Jones from Frank Palumbo, so he thinks he now has a more level playing field, plus maybe an anti-incumbent advantage also. He is hoping to get a good showing in Carteret County. Jones has been up there 18 years, initially ran on term limits; no more than 6 terms. He is now running for his 9th term. Jones is not a straight down the line conservative. Some people like him because he doesn’t vote party but votes his conscience. Bob said he didn’t want Jones to vote his conscience; he wanted him to vote the Constitution and vote the will of the people who elected him. Don’t forget the 24th of August, 12:30 pm, New Bern Convention Center. If you can make it, please be there. Anytime you get any information on campaigns, please bring it to the meetings. If anyone at this meeting would like to help out on the campaigns, please contact the candidates and let them know.
Ken said he was sure if we had watched TV today, we had seen where a gentleman challenged Obama on Biden’s reference to the TEA Party as terrorists and Obama had denied it ever happened. Enough reporters had reported it on the radio and TV that everyone knew what the truth was. Ken said when he signed off on Lockwood’s radio program Monday night, he said, ‘I’m Ken Lang, member of the Crystal Coast TEA Party Patriots, and I am not a terrorist”.
Bob said he was upset over Kerry demanding the news media not report on the TEA Party. That is censorship and should never be allowed.
Ken said he had posted on the web site the article about four people in Wake County that had been found guilty of voter fraud. The whole article was written around Governor Beverly Perdue’s veto of the Voter ID Bill. However, having 4 people in one county should show there is a problem and is more widespread that they would have us believe. They will need to pick up 4 Democrats to override her veto and they are going to try to do that, but whether or not they will be able to achieve that or not, is an unknown right now. However, word is that if the Republican members can not get it passed now, they will bring it up again and keep trying until they do get it through. He and Bob attended a Republican meeting the other night and Supreme Court Justice Newby, who had attended the meeting, pointed out that he had been invited to the Governors mansion several times, and he and all the Supreme Court justices, including the Chief Justice, had to show a photo ID to get into the mansion. Since there is only
one Chief Justice in the State, you would think that they would know who she is (and she is a Democrat also). There are some excellent articles, such as the above, posted on the web site that you might find interesting.
Every one has their own pet issues. Ken and Eric’s pet issue is the board of education. We have several people working on that. Eric has collected a lot of budgetary information on the schools. Nancy Bock has been working on trying to find out what the county is going to do as far as teaching the US Constitution. There is a law that requires the Constitution be taught in all the schools in the United States during Constitution Week which is in September. The TEA Party has strived to get as many people to call their Board of Education and ask questions. If you go to the TEA Party web site you will see the types of questions you should be asking.
Since North Carolina has been selected for the National Democratic Convention, and is obviously very important to Obama; he is going to be pouring tons of money and people into the state. Someone said that the reason that voter ID was not supported by any Democrat in this state or any other state is because the Obama administration has told them they will not spend money in that state if they support that law. Ken said he heard it was 65 million dollars to be spent in NC, so the Democrats in the Legislature and the Governor are in opposition to voter ID because they have been told by the Obama Administration ‘don’t you vote for that law, or you will not get any money’. The Presidential election is our top priority, so whatever way you can get involved in it, you should be thinking about ways to do just that. You can either do it as an individual or by working through particular organizations, but we need to defeat the current administration.
The next thing we need to put on our agenda is the Governor’s race. We have to get rid of Beverly Perdue, so she can not do anymore vetoing. If we can take some of the Democrats in the Legislature out with her, that’s even better. The Judges election is extremely important. Right now it is 4 conservatives and 3 democrats. We need to keep the balance at least where it currently is, however; if we can add more conservatives, it would be even better. During the 2010 election, one of the things the Crystal Coast TEA Party Patriots did was to identify those judges that were conservative. Since there is no ‘D’, ‘I’, or ‘R’ after the judges names and most are not even known by the voting public; by the TEA Party investigating which candidates were conservative, and passing out the TEA Party’s recommendations list, it gave the voters some idea of what judges we felt would represent our convictions. The Democrats took those ‘D’, ‘I’, and ‘R’s off because there were more Republican judges being elected and they couldn’t break through, so by taking the party affiliation off, people would look at the ballot and say ‘I don’t know any of them’ and just pick one. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to let people know which ones are the conservative judges. Question was raised as to why we could not return to having the ‘D’, ‘I’, and ‘R’s put back on the ballot. Ken said he felt the Legislature had their hands full this year, and when things calmed down a little, it probably will be returned for discussion and voting. However, we have to get rid of Gov. Perdue or she will veto it anyway. Tom Austin said he understood that a judge had ruled on removing the identity of affiliation, and another judge had ruled they be put back on, because the minorities did not know who was a Democrat and who was a Republican. Understand it is still in litigation. Best way to handle it is through the Legislature. Eric asked those in attendance to look into the candidates and their leanings, and bring up what they determine at the meetings. If we decide to again pass out information at the polls, this will give us more information on which to decide who to recommend.
Ken asked that anyone who can to please write letters to the editor or call in to the radio and talk with Lockwood, who is a friend of the TEA Party, and help give us a little ‘good’ publicity. This is one of the areas where the left beats us. Although we are doing a lot better at calling our representatives, we need a better showing on the radio and newspaper. The Jacksonville Daily News is really open to publishing articles as well as letters to the editor. Jacksonville is a little more stringent about the length of your editorials than the News Times, but about three months ago Ken said he wrote a really long letter on the wind energy projects and the guy from the Jacksonville paper called him and said ‘Man that’s a long article’. Ken told him ‘Yes, but it’s pretty good, isn’t it’; and the guy said yes, so he was going to publish the whole thing. So they will print your letters even if they are a little long sometimes.
Mrs. Jan Grube said we all need to get to know our board of elections people. She has never called them on any problem, or asked them for any favor without their cooperation. We can call them and ask who are running and how they are registered and they are most cooperative. Give them a call if you have a question. Ken asked about the extension of early voting and was told it was understood to be still on hold. Ken said he had found it was hard to get volunteers to work the poles and if you extend the time to like a month or so, it is going to get even tougher to get people to do it. Ken said he had worked the poles every day (except two), 8 hours a day and it is hard. Outside is rough but it is hard inside the building also. They do train you as to what your duties are inside at the polls, so you may decide to help out there.
Debby Rucker said we have various organizations that agree and push our ideas and agendas. There are the Republican Women’s Group, Americans for Prosperity, TEA Party Patriots, various other TEA Party groups, Civitas, etc. She and several others were in Raleigh when they were voting on the abortion bill and it looked like a total loss. She was sure there was no way they were going to override that veto, but when the vote came, it turned out 70 something for the override. It was really something to sit there and watch our representatives in action. All these different organizations are working together and not fighting each other, but have joined together with a common goal. We can’t be at every meeting every time, but we can spread ourselves out and get involved and be seen in different places and let them know the TEA Party is watching. You just have to choose your places where you can go and be most effective. She said that is why they are calling us Terrorist, because we are so involved and making such a difference.
Bob Cavanaugh said we have to be careful and stick with our core values. We shouldn’t get involved in areas like ‘gay rights’, ‘anti-abortion’, etc. Those are all things that will separate us. If you want to get involved with those particular things, that is fine; go for it, but don’t try to drag the TEA Party in. The TEA Party should stay concerned with the Constitution and our core values.
David Fowler said in regards to early voting, he received a phone call the other day and was told they were going to start early voting two weeks prior to election – from 8 to 5 weekdays, and Saturdays, 8 to 1. Bob said wasn’t that voter fraud in Wake County during the early voting? Bob said he understood that the person voted in the early voting and was allowed to vote again during the regular voting.
Wayne Willis said going back to the 17th of September and teaching the Constitution, he had a question – “What kind of penalty will be imposed if they do not teach the Constitution that week as the law decrees”? Ken said ‘it’s interesting; Nancy sent out an email, and in discussion with Matt Bottoms (assistant superintendent), he basically told her that the lower grades would be taught the Constitution and went into some minor detail about what that would entail; but for the high school they didn’t plan anything special, since they teach the Constitution to those students every day. So that’s kind of the attitude we are finding. Wayne said he had sent an email to Matt Bottoms about the game he had originated and understood that Mr. Bottoms was hoping Wayne could get the game ready in time for the Constitution Week. Ken said he did not get that impression from the email he had received, that he, (Matt) was open to any outside assistance. Wayne said he would send Ken a copy of the email he had received from Matt indicating they were interested. Ernie Guthrie said he had graduated in 2011 and for Mr. Bottoms to say they teach the Constitution every day in high school was not true. Ken said we all know that was an untruth; that the Constitution is not taught, period, much less every day. Tom Austin wanted to know if we planned to buy the pocket Constitutions, as we had discussed, for every student at certain grade levels. Bob said to buy them would cost about $200 per 1000, but he had found out we could get the pocket Constitutions from our representatives. They would give us ‘for free’ a certain number upon request. But giving them to the students is something we have to go through the Board of Education before we can pass them out. We can’t just go in the schools and classrooms and hand them out. Fred said if we were interested in how they are teaching the Constitution, we could go to the schools and request we be allowed to sit in and listen to the class. Ken said we should discuss that at our meeting next week in Morehead. Hopefully Nancy will be there since she kinda took the lead on this program.
Tom wanted to know if there was any discussion about a trip to Washington this year. Bob said he felt the time for demonstrations in Washington DC was past. It is time for us to get organized here in our own state and county. There is a possibility there could be a demonstration in Raleigh, but nothing firm to date. Since we are not a top down organization but a bottoms-up organization it is hard to get together with the other TEA Party groups to plan big events.
Eric reminded everyone that David Horton, candidate for mayor of Morehead City, will be our guest speaker next week to present his platform; at our meeting at the Golden Corral on Tuesday, August 23. Ken reminded everyone that the Western TEA Party would meet at the Community Center on September 6 and the TEA Party Patriots would continue their meetings at the Golden Corral. 6:00 pm at the Golden Corral and 7:00 at the Community Center. Those meeting at the Golden Corral usually meet early to eat, so their meeting starts at 6:00. Meeting at 7:00 at the Community Center gives, those planning to attend, a chance to eat prior to coming to the meeting. If this does not work out for the Western TEA Party group, then it can be discussed at the next meeting.
Thrilled to see so many here tonight. Hope you will all come back and bring your friends.
Meeting adjourned.