JUNE 21, 2011
Meeting held at Golden Corral, Morehead City, NC
Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by President BOB CAVANAUGH
Pledge of Allegiance led by ERNIE GUTHRIE
Invocation by STEVE BEST
Number of attendees – 19
Introduction of new attendee – HARVEY DARRAH who is originally from North Georgia. Came to meeting tonight to see what we are all about.
PEGGY GARNER reported that she had received a phone call from DIANE LANG that KEN was having some serious eye problems. She had carried him to the Jacksonville hospital, who in turn recommended Craven Regional, who in turn had recommended Raleigh. He had torn something loose in his eye and it was bleeding inside. She was going to carry him (Monday or Tuesday) for evaluation and possible treatment. They would not be able to attend the meeting tonight, but she needed to get back in just a couple of days due to her dog’s need for medications. She would let us know of Ken’s diagnosis as soon as they found out anything.
BOB reported that TOM HARMON’s wife (who had suffered extreme burns on her legs a little over a week ago and had been in the Jaycee North Carolina Burn Center in Chapel Hill for skin grafts and physical therapy) was now at home and doing quite well under the circumstances.
JULY 4th PARADE DISCUSSION – PEGGY reported that NANCY BOCK had a 21’x6’ trailer located in the Beaufort area that we could use. Since the trailer FRED had mentioned at the last meeting was in Newport, the committee decided NANCY’s was more convenient. EULA PARKIN said she lived just a few blocks from the parade route (1513 Ann Street Extension) and would be glad for us to park the trailer in her yard while we worked on it. It was decided that the Float committee (and any others that would like to get involved) would meet Sunday, July 3rd at 6:00 pm to do any decorating we would find possible to accomplish prior to Monday morning. Also we would be able to determine what additional items we would need, or would like to have. BOB will attach to the float early Monday morning and drive it to the parade route destination. The decorating committee will show up probably around 9 or 9:30 to complete the decorations. All those planning to march in the parade, please arrive no later than 10:00. If you do not know of someone in Beaufort who will allow you to park in their driveway, please meet at the Court House and we will have someone ferry the marchers to their destination. Our float is number 5. The location is supposed to be marked in chalk where we are supposed to get in line. If you have a friend or friends who would like to walk with us in the parade, please let NANCY ( know (and what size shirt they wear) and she will try to have enough shirts on hand for our volunteers. The more red shirts we can have there the better the showing. Would love to have at lease 50 marchers or more. ROMA and EDITH WADE are going to set up a table near Clausen’s Restaurant to sell shirts, hats, maybe a petition to sign, etc. They would like to have at least two more people to help…must be good, friendly talkers. Nancy had gotten an Uncle Sam outfit for someone to wear in the parade. TIM BUCK tried it on and found it just fit, so he will be our Uncle Sam in the parade.
BOB asked ERIC BROYLES to please call Lockwood about the parade and ask to him publicize it. He also said it would be nice if someone would write a letter to the editor of our involvement in the Beaufort parade. If any of our members have the time, please write a letter to the paper.
NANCY said there is going to be a rally in New Bern at Union Park, July 1, from 6-9. Wondered if anyone planned to attend and would like to set up a booth there selling our shirts and caps. We would have to give a cut of our proceeds to New Bern, but we could still make money. No one in attendance planned to attend due to the obvious traveling congestion.
ERIC said he went to Wilmington and met up with an “Elect Ron Paul for President” group. He had available information for anyone interested. He said our Republican Legislature had left Raleigh for a short vacation, but had left about 200 bills for Governor Perdue to review and approve/ignore/or veto. This must be taken care of by June 30. The Legislature will return around the middle of July.
HOWARD GARNER reported that he had attended the County Commissioner’s meeting Monday night. The meeting was supposed to be totally about the Fire Department/EMT budget; however, several of the C4 group signed up to speak on the Schools. The commissioners allowed them to speak. They now want the commissioners to take the budget increase funds from the rainy day fund; which he thinks they should realize this temporary solution will only amount to a tax increase further down the line. He feels that the TEA Party must always remain alert. We have to “STOP THE SPENDING”. He reported that he had received Norman Sanderson’s email newsletter and his legislative budget figures do not agree with those printed in the local paper. The State determines how many teachers are needed in the various county schools and funds that amount. If the schools hire more than that determined to be needed by the state, then the county is responsible for that amount. Howard said he wondered how many the county had hired over and above that determined by the state and how many could we get by without.
Our new attendee, HARVEY DARRAH said he had taught in Washington, DC and; take it from one who had been there “throwing money to the schools, doesn’t increase the level of education”. He was told to dumb down the class he was teaching because too few students enrolled; and the low number of students reduced the amount of funds they received from the federal government. The students didn’t like his class because he made them read and study.
ERIC said he would be speaking at the next Board of Education meeting about quality of education. He said White Oak School and Croatan High School are two of the best schools (not including private) in the county and state. If I understood him right he said our county was number 36 out of 100 counties. With all the money being spent on our county schools, shouldn’t we have more of our schools being recognized as “outstanding”. HOWARD said he would like to know how many college students have to have remedial education upon entering college. NANCY said a problem she had with the school budget was “once the budget is approved, the school board can spend the money anyway they want to and do not have to answer their spending to anyone”. BOB thinks the County Commissioners will pass the budget with a tax increase to make it revenue neutral.
EULA PARKIN asked if anyone remembered her telling of her maid and the Moslem man she was supposed to marry at the last meeting she was attended? Most in attendance remembered. She wanted to know if any of us watch the J’had Watch on computer. History will be made this summer, July 2nd to be exact, when SIOA (Stop Islaminazation of America) and SIOE (Stop Islaminazation of Europe) hold a joint demonstration and global anti-j’had conference in Strasbourg, France. They will come from all over the world to strategize on short, mid, and long term action plans to defeat Islamic Supremeacism and preserve western values.
HARVEY said if you read the Koran, you will find taxing and killing, but not LOVE, so don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you Muslims are not violent.
FRED DECKER said he understood the union dues bill was vetoed by Gov. Perdue and there are not enough votes to override.
BOB reported that he and TIM BUCK had attended an Onslow Republican meeting and discovered there is no TEA Party group in Onslow anymore. Jan Bean told them she was interested in anything we had available about the TEA party and any help we could provide. Several others were also interested. They had been trying to get the base fired up but since they cannot endorse any candidate, their hands are pretty much tied. BOB said the best thing they could do is get organized and then vet and support candidates, not endorse. (Maybe a play on words, but it works.) HOWARD said they need to really vet the candidates, since Onslow has republican commissioners, but they also have a higher tax rate than we in Carteret County do. HARVEY said we need to support the conservative candidate regardless of party, because he doesn’t (right now) know of any GOP that should be reelected. BOB said the incumbent has the advantage. ERIC GUTHRIE said we need to keep working for the conservative candidates and eventually we will get all those RHINO’s out.
BOB asked that we all GOOGLE “Agenda 21 for Dummies” and Local Agenda 21 and review before our next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Minutes submitted by PEGGY GARNER, Secretary.