Letter from Kay Hagan re. Foreign Aid

May 19, 2011

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting my office regarding foreign aid.  I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.

The United States’ policy regarding foreign aid and assistance programs emphasizes their use as a means to achieve broader foreign policy objectives.  Generally, these objectives include strengthening of national security, development of a solid global economy and an affirmation of our leadership in the international community.  Humanitarian assistance is closely connected to these objectives and is an example of the United States’ compassion for those who suffer worldwide.

While I support responsible foreign aid programs, I recognize that in a time of tight budgets we will have to look closely at every dollar we spend.  It is important that foreign aid and humanitarian programs have clear goals and measurable outcomes. For this particular reason I cosponsored the Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act (S.1524) in the 111th Congress. This legislation aims to streamline U.S. foreign aid. The ultimate goal of this legislation is to strengthen the capacity, transparency, and accountability of U.S. foreign assistance programs.

I will be sure to keep your thoughts and opinions in mind as this issue is considered in the United States Senate.

Again, thank you for contacting my office. It is truly an honor to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate, and I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have any further questions or concerns.



Kay R. Hagan