APRIL 12, 2011
Meeting held at Golden Corral, Morehead City, NC
Meeting called to order at 5:58 PM by President BOB CAVANAUGH
Pledge of Allegiance led by BOB CAVANAUGH
Invocation by JERE GEURIN
No. of Attendees – 34
BOB CAVANAUGH reported that he would be able to pick up the sound system Friday afternoon in lieu of Saturday morning as previously reported.
WAYNE WILLIS said he has the music.
We may have two singers for the Star Spangled Banner.
Howard said he needed help Friday afternoon at 4:30 at the Moose Lodge to load tables and chairs. Had several volunteer to be there.
Stage will be brought in Friday night.
Everyone please get to the grounds before nine to get everything ready. We need volunteers to decorate.
CATIE MCCABE reported that she got the opportunity to get a plug in for the rally on the radio Monday night on Teen Talk.
Bob asked folks to get letters in to the editor this week advertising the rally.
NANCY BOCK reported that the bumper stickers, etc were here.
ERIC BROYLES asked that everyone please sign the petition for a Balanced Budget with Debt Ceiling Reduction.
BOB asked KEN if he would make announcements at the rally about the petitions signing table, voter registration, etc.
Someone asked if anyone had heard from Pastor Willie Montague and Nancy said the money we sent has changed hands (cleared the bank).
WAYNE wanted to know who the “sign” man was so he could get them to return the music CD’s. This created a little confusion until we all realized he was talking “down east” and it was finally interpreted that was “sound” man. He said he could speak other languages also.
WAYNE asked that all those who had not mailed in their ballot from the Carolina County Carteret Craven Electric Cooperative magazine to please do so and vote for him. He promised to pass on anything we wanted brought up at the meeting Thursday.
BOB reminded us that we would discuss our sponsorship of a worthwhile charity after the rally. If anyone knows of any other worthy organizations, please get information on and report at our next meeting. Right now those being considered are Hope for Warriors, Carolina Canines for Veterans, and Sam’s Project We Care.
Discussed the Morehead City Marlin Ball Field and the misuse of Morehead City tax dollars. Cost is estimated at $2.4 million dollars. Marlins will pay $15,000 per year “rent” and keep all the proceeds received . This equates to about their reimbursing Morehead about $500.00 per game. They are trying to lock in a ten year contract. The tax paying citizens are footing the entire bill. Riverfront Sports (originally in New Bern) wanted New Bern to build them an arena but New Bern refused, so they approached Morehead. Why in the world would the city board be in favor of this? Lockwood had said he estimated this would equate to approximated $2,700 per Morehead City resident. Bob would like the Tea Party to get involved in this situation. He would also like to get someone from Riverfront Sports to come talk to us at one of our meetings. Maybe someone from Morehead could look more into this and write a letter to the editor bringing this before the other tax paying citizens.
At 6:30 BOB and KEN left to attend a Republican Party meeting. ERIC, Vice President continued with the meeting. Talked about the on-line conference meeting. He said Bob had gotten him hooked up so he could listen in but not comment. They had discussed the Republicans not doing as they promised. The TEA Parties are pushing for a balanced budget. Took a poll on Paul Ryan’s budget “40 yes, 8 no, and 50 will get back after discussing it with their Tea Party groups. They felt they needed more information, and chance to study Rand’s budget. If we have any comments, please email Eric. Disappointment was major on Republicans backing off on Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, etc. The ones taking part in the conversation, feel the Republicans folded and the majority of the Tea Party Groups feel betrayed. They are considering picking a day and having everyone slam Behner with everything we’ve got. If we can’t get anything in return then hold firm. Military Conflict. They can exceed budget in time of war, regardless of what the Dems are threatening. Obama would not stop military pay, just using it to get the resolution passed. He doesn’t care about the military and Michelle’s coming to Camp Lejeune this week is just a photo op. We have to hold Behner accountable and defund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood, when checked, was found to not be doing the cancer screening, mammograms, etc, as the Dems are insisting they are. Mainly they are doing abortions.
Discussed the economy, gas, food, clothing, etc. are all going up. We have to get the public’s attention as to what is happening with our country. Please note when the politicians talk about inflation they do not include these items, and we all know these are definitely a big part of our economy. As the gas prices continue to rise, the public will begin to realize the TEA Party is right.
One third of our food currently is being imported. It is time to get to work and find out how to start growing our own here in the US once again.
The TEA Party is the most powerful party today; but we need to find out how the maximize our power.
WAYNE said he had been told that Iraqi money was becoming the item to buy (sort of like buying stocks). He said he understood we could purchase it from First Citizens Bank, but if you buy less than $100.00, the bank will charge you $10.00. Something to look into.
On that note, meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Peggy Garner, Secretary