29 MARCH 2011
Meeting held at Golden Corral, Morehead City, NC
Meeting called to order at 6:02pm by President BOB CAVANAUGH
Pledge of Allegiance let by NANCY BOCK
Invocation by LYN BAKER
BOB introduced new attendees:
LaVerne and John Rivers
BOB introduced guests:
Frank Palamo (Potential candidate to run against Walter B. Jones)
Rick Layton (Supporter and friend of Mr. Palamo)
NANCY BOCK, Treasurer, reported that we currently have $1,316.00. However, after expenses (sound system, hats, banners, etc. for the rally) we will only have about $482.00 left. BOB jokingly said we may have to pass the plate before the rally’s over.
FRED DECKER said he has not gotten a singer (Lawana Guthrie – I think he said) to perform the Star Spangled Banner. He will try to contact her this week.
BOB said he has gotten Bill Johnson to run the sound system.
TOM AUSTIN said he had called Swap Shop last Saturday and had gotten in a plug for the rally.
TOM SMITH said he would like two hats for Barry Page for his letting us use his trailer for a stage. Motion made to donate the hats. Motion carried.
BOB said he had added another speaker – Sam Sampson of the ‘We Care Program’; the program that collects and packages popcorn, candy, and miscellaneous items; gets sponsors to pay postage, and mails the boxes to our boys fighting overseas.
DEBBIE RUCKER will donate bottles of water to have available at the rally.
TOM AUSTIN said he was still unable to contact someone to speak at our meeting on the Wounded Warrior Project. Nancy said when she had mailed checks for the funds we had raised for this project ($1,640.00 just last year); they were mailed to Topeka, Kansas and a receipt had been received from Florida. Upon investigation, it was discovered that 65% of the donations was used to aid the wounded; 35% was utilized for overhead. The CEO’s annual salary was $200,000.00. Another program ‘Operation Home Front’ provides 92% to the military families and their CEO’s annual salary was only $35,000.00. Do we want to continue our support of the Wounded Warrior Project? Think about it. If we decide to change our support, we will sell the remaining shirts we have on hand, decide in the very near future which program we wish to sponsor and have another emblem, if needed, printed on the new shirts. NANCY said there would be no additional charge if we decide to change emblem on back.
BOB requested that anyone able to volunteer their time tomorrow to help fill the boxes for the ‘We Care Program’, to please meet at 9:30am at the strip mall across from Truckers Toy Store, (the storage company).
BOB said Sam would like to have a table at the rally to sell the coffee and popcorn that he uses to raise funds to purchase the items he uses in the boxes. Approval given.
PEGGY GARNER, in HOWARD’S absence, said Howard had talked to Keith at the Flea Mall about posting the rally information on the sign out by the road. Keith said the sign belonged to Jim Ferrell but he would check and find out if we could change the info currently on the sign.
Emails about the book Underdogma, a great TEA Party book, have made the rounds this week. The officers think it might be a good fundraiser. We are considering ordering 24 of the books to try to sell at the rally. The author has generously offered all of his royalties; to ship us the books, with no shipping costs, no up front costs; and we will reimburse the printer $13.00 for each book sold. It will depend on how many books we sell and for how much, the amount of profit we will receive. KEN LANG will announce and push the sales from the stage at the rally.
FRED asked if any further action has been taken on a rally down east. BOB said he has received the form we need to fill out to use the park and possibly have a barbecue sometime in May or June. We need to find and develop a core group of leaders from the area to help kick this off. Our group cannot maintain two groups. FRED said he would contact a lady friend of his and see what they can come up with.
DEBBIE RUCKER said she felt that Cape Carteret and Emerald Isle has a lot of really strong leaders living there. All they need, she feels, is guidance from us as to how to develop a new party group. She thinks we will have better luck there than down east. We will discuss more after our April rally.
TOM AUSTIN volunteered to bring a cooler, ice and possibly tea.
TOM also mentioned that he had checked into the movie ‘Atlas Shrug’ and the closest showing was in Virginia. He feels if we can get enough interest, maybe we can get it shown closer to us. We will need a theater available to show it and it appears that the theater in Morehead has shut down.
BOB introduced Mr. Palombo and asked the members to please stand and voice their concerns about what is happening in our country.
BOB started us off by saying he wants better fiscal responsibility by the government. He is tired of the excessive spending. He doesn’t mind paying taxes as long as it is spent wisely.
TOM SMITH – We need to get our constitution back and working for us again and put a stop to those who say it is an outdated document.
FRED DECKER – Upset over the favoring of one business over another. i.e. ‘incentives’ that are being wasted to bring businesses here, with no concern for those here already that are striving to stay in business.
PAT BROYLES – Would like to see our taxes lowered.
ERIC BROYLES – Enforcement of our laws, immigration, and the tax burdens. Our Legislature no longer listens to the voting public and therefore do not represent us.
BILL SHERRY – There is no accountability. He feels like a piece of driftwood. He is tired of ‘wheels’ being hired and immediately given a huge pay raise.
TOM AUSTIN – Tired of the regulations being written by someone who does not know what they are talking about. Example: Fishing regulations written by someone who lives inland with no connection to the ocean.
CHRIS MCCAFFITY – The evils of bureaucracy. Everyone wants to pass the buck and they look down on you when you ask for help.
JOHN RIVERS – Has heard a rumor that the Carteret County Commissioners are planning to sell the hospital. If true, and is sold to a private company, then all the money made that now goes back into the hospital –well, you can kiss that goodbye. We need to keep our ears open and write letters to the editor about our concern and get others interested.
LAVERNE RIVERS – Understands that Bill O’Reilly donates a tremendous amount of money to the Wounded Warrior Project and Fisher House. Thinks the Fisher House is a good project.
TOM HARMON – Immigration. NC voter ID card. If you can’t bother to get a NC ID card, (or as some have complained, don’t have the time) then sorry, you don’t vote.
RUTH PARKER – Fiscal responsibility – quit spending money we don’t have.
LYN BAKER – Get rid of Obamacare.
CATIE MCCABE – Worried about our country. As bad as we need oil, our state has plenty, but cannot drill for it, thereby leaving us dependant on foreign. Our colleges are educating foreign students; but after they receive an education here, they are forced to return home, carrying with them all that knowledge received here, thereby we are losing the possibility of getting a return here in our country with that knowledge.
HOWARD GARNER – Concerned about Obamacare and would like our politicians to quit spending money we do not have.
LUKE KUKULINSKI – Need common sense in Congress. It seems that as soon as they get in office they are given a lobotomy.
ANDREW GOODRICH – Concerned about our constitutional rights.
STEVEN BEST – Agrees with those who have spoken before him.
DAVID COX – Biggest concern is immigration.
DEBBIE RUCKER – All the regulations that are taking away our freedoms. There is a total lack of leadership. We need representatives to stand up and say NO. Stop running down the TEA Party. We are not a bunch of racists. We love our country. We are getting stronger because we are starting to see that every gram they take from us, is one we will never get back.
ROMA and EDITH WADE – Want term limits.
BOB – Concerned about term limits. Afraid it leaves experience and knowledge in the hands of bureaucrats.
NANCY BOCK – Tired of czars being appointed with so much power and their not being elected by our representatives. Our teachers need to get back to educating our children and quit getting so involved with unions.
KEN LANG – UN and Obama are mandating a world government. Getting us into another war. Obama keeps slowing down the law abolishing Obamacare. When he says ‘let me be clear’, then you can bet here comes another lie.
FRED DECKER – If you think Social Security is bad now, wait until they include the illegal immigrants and count their time here illegally for the social security time.
ERIC BROYLES – 53% pay taxes – 47% do not pay anything. One group is working for another group and we need equal protection. When he was in school everyone paid some tax.
TOM AUSTIN – We need to get out of the United Nations NOW.
HOWARD GARNER – They let the older legislatures write all the bills (or the staff) so they continue to look out for themselves and their friends (or money people).
BOB to Mr. Palombo – This is a good example of how the TEA Party thinks. Take my money, but only what you need, and spend it wisely. Abide by the constitution. Government needs to quit expanding powers. Level the playing field, everyone starts equal. Competition needs to be brought back. You get out what you put in no longer applies. Free market capitalism – the government puts all kinds of hurdles in front of entrepreneurs who are trying to either start up a business or make a living. This is our core group that spoke up tonight, that believe in our core principles.
Frank Palombo – Feels right at home. He hears pretty much the same concerns at home and from his friends. He told Catie that he wished he could alleviate her fears for the future, but it was going to take her generation getting involved and carrying on what people like the TEA Party have started. He told us he is 63 years old; has been the New Bern Chief of Police for four years and has 34 years in law experience. There have been no lawyers or politicians in his family until possibly now. He knows how to manage a million dollar budget and has had to deal with many rules and regulations placed upon us by the politicians. When you look at someone who has been in office for many years, you know they are going to be hard to unseat. He is still trying to decide if he is ready to take on this job and is currently checking things out to determine if he is the one to step forward. He is concerned that we are being spent into oblivion and hopes we are not too late to turn things around. The TEA Party fired the first shot in November 2010, but too many did not hear a thing. We need to get ready for the next election and make those deaf, hear. He said he ready to fight for us, and what we need, and is asking for our support. He admits he is not a smooth talker but you can count on what he says. You may not like it, but he says what he believes. And he is saying he would like to be in attendance at Walter B. Jones retirement party.
FRED DECKER said he will check with the other Republican leadership about holding a fund raiser like we have for some others who were running for office.
BOB introduced CATIE MCCABE to give us a report on her week in Raleigh as a Page. She chose to sit in on the Appropriations Committee meetings. (There were the same four seats empty at every session, which she felt was not right. They were sent there to do a job and she felt they should have at least shown up for the meetings. She found that the staff actually has the knowledge, not our elected officials. They (the staff) are the only ones who know the rules and regulations. Some representatives are late to meetings and some leave early. She believes that although each member receives a write up of what is taking place, you can only get just so much from a piece of paper. You need to be there to hear the discussions. She also was interested in the Science and Technology Committee. Use of cell phone while driving by all, not just teens. Some think use of a Bluetooth is just as distracting as a cell phone. Info derived from the Environment Committee.- Discovered there are only three places where they could drill on the east coast (off Washington, DC, the North Carolina coast and one other near a large coastal city. Washington and the large city are pretty much a no no. So why not drill off NC? Because it is not allowed by our congress.
Department of Cultural Resources Committee – With the internet, Kindles, and other technology, why do we continue to need so many libraries (Carteret County has 5 that she can think of). If you check, you will find they are used mainly for the internet provided there. Eliminating a few could save the county a lot of money. Black Beard’s ship. Another big cost to the taxpayer. The argument is that it doesn’t cost that much since they are using ECU lab and equipment. Who pays for that lab and equipment – the taxpayer. 2.7 million dollars is allocated per year for the DCR committee projects. Talking consolidation but deciding will cost even more money than being spent now. They spent more time discussing these DCR projects than other more important (she thought) bills. She was asked about redistricting, but said she was unable to find out anything, since it was too confidential.
Enjoyed her week (four days) in Raleigh and hopes to be selected to go back next year as a Senate Page.
BOB thanked her for the report. Please listen to Talk Radio next Monday night. Catie will be a guest on Lockwood’s show.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Peggy Garner, Secretary