Imagery From Our Founding



In the video below, Kyra Moore is interviewed at the original Crystal Coast Tea Party’s Tax Day Rally, held on the parking lot of the Morehead City, NC K-Mart on Wednesday, 04/15/2009.

[embedplusvideo height=”440″ width=”590″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=MwG5fOYV3no&width=590&height=440&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8005″ /]

In the video below, Trey McArthur and William Little speak to the crowd at the original Crystal Coast Tea Party’s Tax Day Rally, held on the parking lot of the Morehead City, NC K-Mart on Wednesday, 04/15/2009.

[embedplusvideo height=”440″ width=”590″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=svfDqBmeVRs&width=590&height=440&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9237″ /]

Below are some still images from the original Crystal Coast Tea Party Rally in the Morehead City, NC K-Mart parking lot (04/15/2009), as well as from the Rally held at the Newport Flea Market Mall the following summer (07/03/2010).  The mall is located off Highway-70 between Morehead City and Newport, NC.  In addition, there are a few images from the first national Tea Party Rally held in Washington, DC during the month of September, 2009, and at least one from the 2011 Tax Day Rally.
