Category Archives: National News

Obama The Divider

Obama The Divider

Peter Wehner 10.07.2011 – 1:45 PM
A Washington Post story from earlier this week reports, “There is a noticeably more aggressive, confrontational President Obama roaming the country these days, selling his jobs plan and attacking Republicans for standing in the way of progress by standing up only for the rich.” That report, if anything, understates things a bit. Obama has essentially given up on his governing responsibilities (at which he has shown himself to be terribly inept) in lieu of a fierce and near constant attack on his political opponents. I have my doubts as to whether that strategy will work. But the point I want to make is a different one, which is that Obama has become the most intentionally divisive president we’ve seen in quite some time.
It’s not unusual, of course, for the policies of presidents to divide the nation. And politicians running for re-election often highlight differences. But Obama now belongs in a separate category. Each day, it seems, he and/or his supporters are seeking to divide us. The rhetoric employed by the president and his allies is meant to fan the flames of resentment, to turn Americans against one another, and to stoke up feelings of envy, grievances, and rage.
This is not healthy for our country or good for our political culture. And while we all contribute to what constitutes public discourse, there is one officeholder, the president, who bears the greatest responsibility for creating a sense of common purpose and for reminding us that we are, in the words of the Pledge of Allegiance, “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Yet the president is trying, with almost every speech, to pry us apart. It’s a strategy he clearly believes is necessary for him to win re-election. But that doesn’t make what he’s doing any less shameful or any less hypocritical.
It was Obama, after all, who – more than any political figure in our lifetime – promised to heal the breach. That was at the very core of his message, and his appeal, during the last presidential election.
For example, in his announcement speech on February 10, 2007, it was Obama who complained, “We’re distracted from our real failures and told to blame the other party…” He would not sink to such depths, he promised us.
It was Obama who said in his 2007 Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa, “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America – I want to be the president
of the United States of America.” It was Obama, in his March 18, 2008 speech in Philadelphia (addressing the controversy over the Reverend Jeremiah Wright) who said, “We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism… That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time….’” It was Obama who told Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone, “I want us to rediscover our bonds to each other and to get out of this constant petty bickering that’s come to characterize our politics.” It was Obama who said during his acceptance speech on August 28, 2008, “If you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters. If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.” And it was Obama who said on the night of his election, on a stage in Grant Park, “I will listen to you, especially when we disagree… Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for too long.”
What he has done is the antithesis of what he said. Barack Obama has succumbed to virtually every partisan temptation, reached for every stale tactic, and bred division and conflict and cynicism across our land. He has resorted to petty bickering and pitted Red America against Blue America. He has even characterized his political opponents as “enemies.”
I suppose there are worse things a president can do, but this is bad enough. He is purposefully causing wounds that will be hard to heal – and he’s only just begun. Things will get uglier before they get better. Eventually, and thankfully, we will rediscover our bonds of affection. But it will require removing Obama from office before we do.

"Occupy Wall Street" Demands

Read Demands of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ … and Try Not to Laugh

By Kerry Picket, Washington Times

The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters have listed 13 proposed demands from their website.

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

Illegal Immigration Alert

From the Tea Party Patriots – Call your Congressman now!


HR 2885 – Legal Workforce Act
There are four problems with HR 2885 which is the second bill called the Legal Workforce Act,
the first was HR 2164.
Section 6 Preemption in HR 2885, must be removed or the bill killed.
The problems with HR 2885 are in the following sections:
ESTABLISHING IDENTITY.—A document described in this subparagraph is an
‘‘(IV) in the case of a non-immigrant alien authorized to work for a specific
employer incident to status, a foreign passport with Form I–94 or Form I–94A, or
other documentation as designated by the Secretary specifying the alien’s nonimmigrant
The original legislation, HR 2164, designated only the I-94 and I-94A. HR 2885 allows other
documents to be used at the discretion of the Secretary of DHS and could be abused for
political reasons. The I-94 and I-94A are sufficient documents for establishing identity and
authorization for employment.
Section 274A(h)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a(h)(2)) is
amended to read as follows:
‘‘(2) PREEMPTION.—The provisions of this section preempt any State or local
law, ordinance, policy, or rule, including any criminal or civil fine or penalty
structure, insofar as they may now or here after relate to the hiring, continued
employment, or status verification for employment eligibility purposes, of
unauthorized aliens.
The state preemption, Section 6 is exactly the same in the new bill, HR2885, as in the previous
bill, HR 2164. It has not been removed. Currently 17 states have passed their own version of
E-Verify legislation. By next year 25 – 30 states could have their own state laws. The U.S.
Supreme Court in the Whiting Case has ruled that states can pass and enforce their own EVerify
laws. The state preemption in HR 2885 would prohibit the states from using E-Verify
to enforce employment laws to the benefit of American workers (American citizens or legal
immigrants with work visas.)
The state preemption in HR2164 was opposed by:
• Arizona Senator Russell Pearce (Author of AZ’s E-Verify law, SB1070 and other
• Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (Co-author of SB 1070 with Russell Pearce)
• U.S. Congressman Lou Barletta (former Mayor of Hazelton Pennsylvania)
• NAFBPO-The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers
• Daryl Metcalfe, Rep. Pennsylvania House of Representatives and founder of the State
Legislators for Legal Immigration
• Bay Buchanan, Co-Chair of Team America PAC. (One of the sharpest political minds in
the country.)
• Tom Tancredo, Co-Chair of Team America PAC. (Nobody worked harder inside the
Beltway for enforcement.)
• Phyllis Schlafly, Founder and President of Eagle Forum, (Has impeccable patriot
• State Legislators for Legal Immigration
• Patriot Action Network
Rep. Steve King R-IA said in his opening statement about HR 2885 in Judiciary on Thursday
September 15:
“…do you believe the Federal Government will enforce efficiently and effectively the laws that
we might pass in this Congress. The history of that, of immigration enforcement, doesn’t answer
that as a yes. I have concerns because of that. I want local government to help us enforce
immigration laws because the Federal Government is not doing the job.
Comment: cont…
Section 6 Preemption, is a state’s rights concern. Also, it is believed that the state preemption
is the reason for this bill, as it is supported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce which has been
an enemy of immigration enforcement for the past 25 years. The Chamber opposed the
Employer Sanctions in the 1986 IRCA amnesty, (Simpson-Mazzoli) and, among other things,
has sued the federal government to prevent requiring contractors with the federal government
to use E-Verify.
Employment is the biggest magnet attracting illegal immigrants. This fact is indisputable. If
states are prohibited from enforcing federal employment law and the federal government
continues its policy of defacto-amnesty through “Discretionary Prosecution,” Section 6 of
HR 2885 will result in the biggest single setback to immigration enforcement since the 1986
IRCA amnesty.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish a
program in which the social security account numbers of an alien described in
paragraph (2) shall be blocked from use for purposes of the employment
eligibility verification system established under section 274A(d) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a(d)), as amended by section 3 of
this Act, unless the alien is subsequently admitted lawfully to the United States in,
or the Secretary has subsequently changed the alien’s status lawfully to, a status
that permits employment as a condition of the alien’s admission or subsequent
change of status, or the Secretary has subsequently granted work authorization
lawfully to the alien.
Section (c) from the original HR 2164 is not in HR2885. Blocking use of a SSAN is an
important part of reducing fraud. This section should be added to HR 2885. We need more
fraud prevention, not less.
Not later than 48 months after the date of the enactment of the Legal Workforce Act, the
Secretary of Homeland Security, after consultation with the Commissioner of Social
Security and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, shall
establish by regulation a Biometric Employment Eligibility Verification pilot program
(the ‘‘Biometric Pilot’’). The purpose of the Biometric Pilot shall be to provide for
identity authentication and employment eligibility verification with respect to enrolled
new employees which shall be available to subject employers who elect to participate in
the Biometric Pilot. Any subject employer may cancel the employer’s participation in the
Biometric Pilot after one year after electing to participate without prejudice to future
The Biometric Pilot Program has been reduced from seven pages in HR 2164 to this single
paragraph. The merits of any biometric identification legislation should be debated separately
from E-Verify and legislation written in a way that specifies the limits of the program to avoid
government abuse and unconstitutional invasions of privacy.
• HR 2164
• HR 2885
• Morton Memo on Prosecutorial Discretion
• Whitehouse Blog Announces Defacto Amnesty based on Prosecutorial Discretion
• Dept. of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis protects illegal alien workers
• The HALT Act
• HR 2847 Agricultural Worker Program (500,000 workers per year)
Take Action:
Contact all members of the Judiciary Committee and identify yourself as a member of the Tea
Party. Below is a suggested script, modify as necessary. Be polite.
“My name is _____________ and I am calling Congressman/woman ___________ to ask that
he/she support an amendment of HR 2885-The Legal Workforce Act.
Section 6, the preemption, must be removed. If the states are prevented from enforcing
employment law to prevent illegal aliens from working in our country, there will be no
enforcement. Employment is the number one reason illegal aliens sneak into our country.
Please contact Congressman Steve King on the Judiciary Committee and tell him Congressman
______ will support an amendment removing the state preemption from the HR 2885.
States rights must be preserved and the states must not be prevented from enforcing the law that
can cut off employment to illegal aliens.
Thank you.”
Please report what feedback you get from the staffer, if any.
Member District
HR 2885
Cosponsor Party Phone
Rep Griffin, Tim AR-2
R 202-225-2506
Rep Franks, Trent AZ-2 9/12/2011 R 202-225-4576
Rep Quayle, Benjamin AZ-3
R 202-225-3361
Rep Gallegly, Elton CA-24 9/12/2011 R 202-225-5811
Rep Lungren, Daniel E. CA-3
R 202-225-5716
Rep Issa, Darrell CA-49
R 202-225-3906
Rep Ross, Dennis FL-12 9/12/2011 R 202-225-1252
Rep Adams, Sandy FL-24
R 202-225-2706
Rep King, Steve IA-5
R 202-225-4426
Rep Pence, Mike IN-6
R 202-225-3021
Rep Coble, Howard NC-6
R 202-225-3065
Rep Chabot, Steve OH-1
R 202-225-2216
Rep Jordan, Jim OH-4
R 202-225-2676
Rep Marino, Tom PA-10
R 202-225-3731
Rep Gowdy, Trey SC-4
R 202-225-6030
Rep Gohmert, Louie TX-1
R 202-225-3035
Rep Poe, Ted TX-21
R 202-225-6565
Rep Smith, Lamar TX-21 9/12/2011 R 202-225-4236
Rep Chaffetz, Jason UT-3
R 202-225-7751
Rep Forbes, J. Randy VA-4
R 202-225-6365
Rep Goodlatte, Bob VA-6
R 202-225-5431
Rep Sensenbrenner, Jim WI-5
R 202-225-5101

Wasserman-Schultz and Gantt Mislead Public at Democratic Kick-Off

Host Committee is taking corporate and PAC $ for Convention




For Immediate Release


Contact:  Rob Lockwood: (919) 828-6423


September 6th 2011




RALEIGH, NC – Former Mayor Harvey Gantt today at the “Democratic Convention Kick-Off” stated that the convention would be financed by “you the people” and “not by corporations or PACs.” This is simply not true. The facts were reported in today’s Charlotte Observer, which highlighted that the “Host Committee” is in fact taking corporate money.




DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz also made it a point to thank the ‘Host Committee’ for all their efforts to make this ‘the best convention in history.’




NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes had this to say on the issue, “The Democrats have once again misled the public on how they are going to pay for anything. Taking corporate money is a violation of President Obama’s pledge not to do so, and they should not be allowed to campaign on faulty rhetoric. It begs the question: Does President Obama believe that it is okay for the ‘Host Committee’ to use corporate dollars to help his convention?”




“The new restrictions, however, don’t apply to the host committee itself.


$15 million for committee


Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers, who co-chairs the committee, is quietly raising up to $15 million for the committee, in part from corporate contributions. That’s on top of the $37 million in noncorporate contributions for the convention itself. Among other things, the money will go toward organizing and hosting events for the expected 35,000 visitors.


“We don’t have the same restrictions on the host committee that are on the (convention),” says Murrey.


Wells Fargo, for example, expects to donate an unspecified amount of money to both conventions, says spokeswoman Alexandra Ball. And Belk Stores is giving the Democratic convention $100,000.

Congress Really IS the Problem!

Another Prime Example of Gov’t Stupidity and waste.


No one seems to know what is going on in our government.
Take 3 minutes and Watch This, then SHARE IT with everyone you know… Only one example of PURE STUPIDITY by our leaders in Washington. BOTH SIDES!!
We the people need to invoke TERM LIMITS by voting anyone in Congress who has served more than 2 terms OUT!!!
2010 Mid-Terms laid the ground-work. Make 2012 the second cleansing!!!


Diane Sawyer, ABC

Government Jobs Gone Wild – Video

Government jobs – This is truly shocking
Just a short video you really should and must see…..a real eye opener!
If you seldom watch a forwarded video, I urge you to watch this one.   I did not realize that the numbers
were this large and was very shocked.   It’s rather short so does not take long to view it….
If this doesn’t open you eyes nothing will

Senator John Kerry Asks Media to Censor the Tea Party



Sen. John Kerry was on “Morning Joe” this morning talking about yesterday’s stock sell-off and the widespread disapproval of Congress after the messy debt deal.

Real Clear Politics flagged one section that’s already getting traction on conservative blogs in which Kerry seems to pretty clearly be talking about the Tea Party.

And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.

It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what’s real, of who’s accountable, of who is not accountable, of who’s real, who isn’t, who’s serious, who isn’t?


See video

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Illegal Immigration & Border Security

From the Patriot Action Network…


Former Congressman Tom Tancredo’s list of Illegal Immigration Facts on Gov. Rick Perry of Texas

When I ran for president in 2008, I tried to pressure the Republican candidates to take a hard line against illegal immigration. For this, Perry called me a racist.

When he first took office as governor in 2001, Perry went to Mexico and bragged about his law that granted “the children of undocumented workers” special in-state tuition at Texas colleges, the first state in the nation to do so.

“The message is simple,” Perry concluded, “educacion es el futuro, y si se puede.” Education is the future, and (echoing Cesar Chavez’s slogan) yes we can.]

Just a few weeks ago, Perry defended his decision to give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. He said “to punish these young Texans for their parents’ actions is not what America has always been about.”

Perry opposed Arizona’s tough anti-illegal immigration law SB 1070. “I have concerns,” he explained, “with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas.”

He spoke out last year against using E-Verify to prevent illegal immigrants from getting jobs as state employees, who get their paychecks from the taxpayers. He insisted it “would not make a hill of beans’ difference.”

Numbers USA, a group that supports immigration control, gives Perry a “D-“ for his positions supporting amnesty, open borders, and opposing border security.


Read more here

AZ Gov Brewer to Phoenix Suns Owner

Arizona governor vs. Phoenix Suns owner - I'd say she makes a
pretty good case with her analogy!!

The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver,
came out strongly opposing AZ's new immigration laws.

Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement
in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: 

"What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people
were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a
good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and
security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to
produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't
be ejected.
Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide
those who  sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And
what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured,
the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?"
- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer


End Ethanol Subsidies

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on Tuesday, June 14th on repeal of the disastrous ethanol subsidies that are driving up the price of food and fuel. Unfortunately, some usually free-market senators have not yet committed to support repeal.

Ethanol currently receives triple protection: with a $6 billion per year tax subsidy, an import tariff and a usage mandate. Senators Coburn and DeMint have combined to offer two amendments that will end all three of these bad policies. The DeMint amendment would also repeal the death tax, an unfair double tax that is one of the most anti-growth features of our tax code.

The CBO has concluded that taxpayers are on the hook for $1.78 for every gallon of ethanol that replaces a gallon of gasoline, while even the EPA has concluded that ethanol subsidies have increased corn prices at least 8 percent. Even many green groups now oppose ethanol subsidies because they do nothing to improve the environment.

CLICK HERE to tell your senators to vote YES on Sens. Coburn and DeMint amendments to end ethanol subsidies and the death tax.

Yours truly,

Phil Kerpen
Vice President, Policy
Americans for Prosperity

Obama Pledges US Financial Support to Bail Out Greece

With the USA already in a mountain of debt, President Obama this week pledged financial support to bail out Greece. So why is the President borrowing money from China so US taxpayers can pay the Chinese interest in order to give money to Greece who have shown the can’t manage their money any better that President Obama manages ours?


Daniel Hannan, British MP, said on Fox and Friends today (June 9, 2011) that “in five years, the interest the US is paying on money we borrowed from them will fully pay for the Chinese defense budget.” Unbelievable!


From the Gateway Pundit:

Protesters from a communist-backed union protest near the Greek Parliament seen in the background during an anti-austerity protest in Athens, that several thousands people took part in on Friday, June 3, 2011. Greece is poised to receive the next installment of its bailout facility, and will likely get further rescue loans to prevent it from defaulting on its massive debts, European officials said Friday. The banner reads ‘general strike.’ (AP/Petros Giannakouris)

After tripling the US deficit and with unemployment at 9.1% President Obama pledged US financial support to bail out Greece yesterday.
CNBC reported:

President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged European countries and bondholders to prevent a “disastrous” default by Greece and pledged U.S. support to help tackle the country’s debt crisis.

Read full article …

Florida to charge welfare applicants to take drug test


Orlando, Florida (CNN) – Starting on July 1 in Florida, anyone who applies for welfare must first pass a drug test.

Some welfare recipients say it’s a good idea, for the most part.

“I’m for it because I know people who misuse the funds,” said unemployed Kennley Grant outside a central Florida welfare office where he is applying for government assistance.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed the Republican-sponsored bill into law last week, adding Florida to a list of states trying to drug-test welfare recipients.

Michigan passed a similar law that the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals found unconstitutional in 2003 since it violated the U.S. Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens against unreasonable search. The court said the law would set a dangerous precedent by allowing the government to conduct drug searches for the safety of the public without prior suspicion.

Like Kennley Grant, most people CNN asked outside the office of the Florida Department of Children and Family agreed with the state’s new law.

“I think it’s good,” said Lissie Bryant, who has an adult son who gets benefits. “There are so many people walking around here that are getting welfare that really don’t deserve it and they’re taking the money and buying drugs.”

Several mothers who would not give their names disagreed with the law. Two women used expletives to describe their displeasure with it.

ACLU of Florida, which opposes the law, says it is not surprised welfare recipients agree with drug testing.

“You do what you have to do get the help,” said Berek Newton with the ACLU.

Scott recently told CNN’s TJ Holmes, “I want to make sure our taxpayers are not subsidizing drug addiction.

“Studies show people who are on welfare are higher users of drugs than people not on welfare,” he said.

On CNN’s request, the governor’s office supplied several studies that showed drug use was higher among welfare recipients.

One document from a public policy brief on substance abuse had statistics from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health: A self-reported survey in 2007 found 20% of women ages 18-49 on welfare reported using illicit drugs compared to 10.3% of women of the same ages not on welfare.

The ACLU of Florida disagrees and cites a 2001 Florida pilot study that looked at drug use among welfare recipients.

Newton said the study was stopped after only a year because it failed. The study found drug use among welfare recipients was equal or less than the general public’s drug use, Newton said.

The ACLU said the study found the drug testing program would cost more to run than the state could possibly save by eliminating drug users on welfare.

Florida’s ACLU executive director Howard Simon said, “”Once again, this governor has demonstrated his dismissal of both the law and the right of Floridians to personal privacy by signing into law a bill that treats those who have lost their jobs like suspected criminals.”

The ACLU has filed suit against the state for requiring all state workers to take a drug and is considering suing the state for drug testing welfare applicants.

Five Florida state Democratic legislatures joined to voice their outrage at the governor for insulting families who have fallen on hard times thanks to the bad economy and for what they called an unconstitutional law.

Welfare recipients who supported the drug test strongly disagreed that welfare applicants should have to pay out of pocket for the test.

The law says those who pass the drug test would be refunded the test cost but those who fail or test positive for drugs would be out the drug tests cost – $10 to $70.

“You can’t have a struggling family pay for something they can’t afford already – they’re asking for your assistance,” Kennley Grant said. He believes the state should pay for the drug test.

James S., who receives benefits and asked that his last name not be used, said, “I would ask the state or the governor to reconsider.” Not everyone can afford it, he said.

Bryant, however, said,” If they got to pay for it out of their own pocket and they really need it, then they will do the right thing.”

The ACLU says that’s irrelevant, it’s illegal.

Newton said, “It’s like the government sending you a bill to violate your rights.”


CNN Political Ticker

Sen. Rand Paul fights debt ceiling hike


Washington (CNN) – Freshman Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul stood firm today on his position against raising the debt ceiling. In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room,” the libertarian-leaning senator said he would only consider voting “yes” if the bill came with a balanced budget amendment.

“If (Democrats) want to spend the money, they need to be honest with the American people and say ‘We’ve got to borrow $2 trillion because that’s what we want to spend,’ ” Paul said. “I don’t want to spend that much money.”

But Paul said he’s not concerned about the potential consequences of keeping the federal debt ceiling at its current limit.

“Our interest payment is about $20 billion a month,” he said. “Our tax revenue is about $200 billion a month, so we’re bringing in (nearly) $200 billion. We’ve got plenty of money to pay our interest.”

Paul said the country could also bring down the debt by bringing back its troops overseas. With growing unrest in Syria tempting the international community to intervene, he warned against any further involvements.

“We’re already involved in three wars, including the latest war in Libya, where we had no congressional vote,” Paul said. “That’s not what our founding fathers wanted.”

Turning to the 2012 GOP field, Paul said his father, Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate, has a better chance this time around than his previous White House bid.

“In 2007-2008, most people didn’t know his name,” the senator said, adding that he now believes 70 to 80% of Americans recognize the candidate. “He attracts a lot of people who are disgruntled with both parties, and so I think that would be his main advantage over the entire Republican field.”


CNN Political Ticker

Four Big Lies, Part 4

Four Big Lies

(Part 4 of 4)

“The Debt Ceiling is too Difficult for Average People to Comprehend”


This is part 4 of a 4 part series. Click here to read part 1.

Click here to read part 2. Click here to read part 3.


This is the fourth and final installment in a series of articles detailing the 4 big lies that will be used by those in favor of raising the debt ceiling.


Big Lie Number Four


The intricate financial details of running the entire United States Government are so complicated that the average American just isn’t capable of understanding how it works.  It involves thousands upon thousands of byzantine and interwoven variables that are so delicately balanced they can be easily disrupted by one false move, setting off a cataclysmic chain reaction of economic disasters that will cripple the world’s monetary system. Handcuffing congress by not allowing us to raise the debt ceiling just shows how simplistic, unsophisticated, ill informed, and child-like you Tea Party Patriots are.  Those of us in congress are far better equipped to make these kinds of decisions.  So just go back to your daily lives and let us run the country.


When you’re standing face-to-face with a member of congress and they tell you how great they are at running the economy, it’s difficult not to laugh so hard that you temporarily lose consciousness.  But many of them manage to say it with a straight face.  It’s almost as if they honestly think they know what they’re doing.


To a Congressman, the thought of taking budgetary advice from average Americans who balance checkbooks, run businesses, live within the limits of their financial means, and stop spending before they run out of money is outrageous and insulting.


They are the rulers after all.

Who are we to question them?


But deep within the subconscious mind of every Congressman is the truth.  They are horribly insecure because they are in way over their heads, they have very little idea what they’re doing, and they are scared to death that someone (especially their other buddies in congress) will discover that they secretly don’t understand the convoluted logic.  So they all pretend.


It’s time to snap them out of it.


Ockham’s Razor is an old, widely used axiom that says when you have two competing ideas

the simplest idea is usually the best.

This is especially true when there’s no evidence to support the more complicated idea.


Let’s look at how Ockham’s Razor applies to the debt ceiling issue.


IDEA 1 (from congress):


It’s so complicated that we can’t explain it to you, but trust us we should raise the debt ceiling.


IDEA 2 (from Americans):


It’s incredibly simple. There’s no more money.

So do not raise the debt ceiling.


Congress has a really, really, really bad track record when it comes to managing money. There are no examples of real life situations in which congress was prudent, frugal, and efficient. There’s also no proof that congress learns from past mistakes and doesn’t repeat them. Their complicated solutions haven’t worked, ever. But they keep trying them.


There simply is no evidence to prove that congress is qualified to make unsupervised decisions about how to handle our money.


On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that millions of Americans (the ones congressmen think are unsophisticated) successfully operate households and businesses every day and have done so for over 200 years using a very simple financial principle.


When you run out of money,

stop buying stuff.


Ockham’s Razor


Idea 1 = complicated + no proof


Idea 2 = simple + lots of proof


Idea 2 Wins!!


Congress, you’re out of money.

Stop buying stuff.

And don’t raise the debt ceiling.


Rush on Romney’s Global Warming Comments: ‘Bye, Bye Nomination’

First it was Romneycare, now it’s global warming. Can this guy do anything right?


Radio talk show host Rush Linbaugh has a message for presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney: Say goodbye to the 2012 Republican nomination. Last Friday, Romney spoke at a town hall event in New Hampshire, telling the audience that he believes human beings have an impact on global warming:


Read more …

Four Big Lies (Part 3)

From Tea Party Patriots

Four Big Lies

(Part 3 of 4)

“Hey Kid, I’ll Give You a Great Deal on These Magic Beans!”

This is part 3 of a 4 part series. Click here to read part 1. Click here to read part 2. Also look for part 4 coming soon.

Just about every member of congress (republican and democrat) plans to eventually vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling. Their problem is they know you don’t want them to. So they just have to get you to fall for a few little lies and give them the thumbs-up to blow trillions of dollars you don’t have. Only the lies aren’t so little. They’re big. And we’re not the gullible, inattentive voters they’re used to.

This is the third installment of a four part series discussing the Four Big Lies that will be used (in various forms) to convince you that it’s OK to raise the debt ceiling for the federal government.

Big Lie Number Three

Members of the republican “leadership” will tell you this lie.

“Raising the debt ceiling is inevitable; and the democrats want it so badly they’re willing to give us some really great deals in order to get it. We can take advantage of it and get some cool stuff in exchange for our votes. It’ll be great!”

Frighteningly, many of the republicans in congress trust the promises made to them by their fellow members. They haven’t learned that there always turns out to be a loophole, or an “unforeseen” circumstance, or just an outright betrayal that ends up benefiting socialism and thwarting conservatism.

When is the last time anyone can remember the republicans making a “deal” with the democrats that didn’t result in the American people getting shafted?

To some it appears that the democrats repeatedly lure the republicans in with promises of bipartisanship and goodwill. Then when they’ve gotten everything they want, the democrats whack the republicans over the head with a two by four and break their deal, leaving the republicans bewildered and Americans saying, “we told you so.”

To others it appears that both republicans and democrats have neither the desire, the intelligence, nor the will-power to solve the problems with our government. They simply want to stay in office and enjoy life in the ruling class.

In either case, here’s the message we want republicans and democrats to hear from the voters in their districts:

You Raising the Debt Ceiling


Me Voting for Your Opponent in the Primary and in the General Election

Raising the debt ceiling is not good for America, no matter what deal you think you’re getting in exchange for it.

If you want a balanced budget amendment,

pass a balanced budget amendment

AND DON’T raise the debt ceiling.

If you want big spending cuts,

pass big spending cuts

AND DON’T raise the debt ceiling.

If you want the Capitol cafeteria to sell pizza on Friday, just ask the chef

AND DON’T raise the debt ceiling.

Do you see the simple beauty

of this pattern?

The point is, find another way to get the “deals” that you want without selling your vote on the debt ceiling.


Our team at Tea Party Patriots is working hard every day, and night, and weekend to fight socialism and promote the values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.

The liberals and the enemies of freedom are fighting just as hard to shut us down.

Don’t let socialism win.

Fight it! This is urgent!

Donate to Tea Party Patriots.

If you missed them:

Click here to read Big Lie Number One.

Click here to read Big Lie Number Two.

Please share this message with your friends by forwarding this email, or by using the little Facebook link at the very top of this email.

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and join the conversation.



Mail Your Donation to:

P.O. BOX 220183
CHANTILLY, VA 20153-0183

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

TPP Support email:
TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877

Jenny Beth Martin (, Twitter @jennybethm, Facebook)
Dawn Wildman (
Mark Meckler (
Debbie Dooley (

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

1025 Rose Creek Dr, 620-322, Woodstock, GA 30189


Four Big Lies (Part 2)

From Tea Party Patriots

Four Big Lies

(Part 2 of 4)

“Financial Armageddon”

This is part 2 of a 4 part series. Click here to read part 1. Also look for parts 3 and 4 coming soon.

We’re talking about the Four Big Lies that Republicans, Democrats, Congressmen, Senators, Reporters, and the President will tell you over the next few weeks as they try to convince you to let them raise the debt ceiling. In this issue we address the second lie.

Big Lie Number Two

“There’s no way to cut enough spending. So we must raise the debt ceiling. If we don’t raise it America will not be able to pay back its creditors and the rest of the world will never trust us with money again. It will be a disaster!!!”


The problem is not that congress can’t cut spending. The problem is that congress

doesn’t want to cut spending.

There’s a big difference.

The United States Government is addicted to spending money. It is a gluttonous, greedy, vulgar addiction that makes drug addicts look stable by comparison.

If you lock a heroin addict in a nice room, provide him with everything he needs to live, but give him no more heroin, what happens? He panics. He will become totally irrational, scream, cry, beg, plead, bargain, lie, steal, and (given the chance) maybe even kill to get more drugs. It would be difficult to watch him go through the painful process of breaking the addiction. But if you care about his future, you know that you cannot trust the words that are coming out of his mouth. It’s the addiction talking. You stand strong and cut off his supply until the addiction is broken.

It’s time to lock the government in a nice room. We will care for it and give it everything it needs to live. And because we love America, we’re going to stand strong and force it to break the addiction.

The truth is that the spending can be cut quickly and in a large enough amount to avoid blowing past the debt ceiling.

At the end of President Clinton’s term in office (just 10 years ago) the government was operating with a budget surplus. Some debate the specifics; but no one can debate that spending was far lower than it is now, and the economy was much better than it is now.

During President Bush’s term in office federal spending climbed and climbed. Government grew faster and bigger than it should ever be allowed to do.

President Obama has had the credit card for only 28 months. And in that time the government has grown more than it did under all previous Presidents added together!

Common sense dictates that if it can be pumped up that quickly, it can be cut back quickly too.

Many of the things that will have to be reduced are popular government programs that politicians fear cutting. But we cannot continue to survive as a country if we fail to properly manage massive government programs because they’re considered “sacred cows”.

The “sacred cows” have run off into the wild and are going to starve to death if we don’t bring them back into the barn.

We’ve also got a few diseased “mad cows” (like Obamacare) that just need to be put down in order to save the herd.

Mr. President, Senate, & Congress;

We are not going to let you

raise the debt ceiling.

So stop asking.

Now move on and deal with the spending problems.


Help us get this message to a larger audience. Share it with your friends. And support us with a donation to fund advertising and grassroots training.

Click here to read Big Lie Number One.

Thank you!



Mail Your Donation to:

P.O. BOX 220183
CHANTILLY, VA 20153-0183

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

TPP Support email:
TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877

Jenny Beth Martin (, Twitter @jennybethm, Facebook)
Dawn Wildman (
Mark Meckler (
Debbie Dooley (

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

1025 Rose Creek Dr, 620-322, Woodstock, GA 30189


Four Big Lies (Part 1)

From Tea Party Patriots

Four Big Lies

(Part 1 of 4)

“Obama Inherited this Mess”

At this very moment members of congress are trying to decide what pieces of America’s future they will trade away as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling. We’ve had the chance to talk with many of them. And even most of those who claim to be on the side of fiscal responsibility are giddy with excitement that they can trade their vote on this debt ceiling “crisis” in exchange for a handful of magic beans offered by the liberals.

Our answer is simple.

It is not acceptable to use the future of America as a bargaining chip.

Do not raise the debt ceiling.


In the coming weeks, you will be told 4 lies (at a minimum) by those who want to raise the debt ceiling. The lies will be packaged and presented in many different ways, but in general they will all boil down to these 4 (remember them and don’t be fooled):

Big Lie 1

“The current financial crisis was inherited.”

Big Lie 2

“There’s no way to cut enough spending. So we must raise the debt ceiling.”

Big Lie 3

“We can haggle for some really great deals now that we have them over a barrel.”

Big Lie 4

“You just don’t understand all of the complicated details. Let us handle it.

We’re smart.”

In this four part series we will address each lie individually. Look for parts 2, 3, and 4 over the next 3 days. (CLICK HERE to DONATE and help fight the lies.)

Big Lie Number One:

“Bush created all of these problems. We are trying to solve them but it’s much worse than we thought and it will take years for our solutions to have an impact.”

There are numerous facts available to disprove this. But two of the biggest and best are:

Fact 1

President Obama increased spending and the size of government more than all previous presidents (from George Washington through George Bush)


President Obama created that problem and he should own it.

Fact 2

The number one, most important job of the House of Representatives every year is to create a federal budget. Under Nancy Pelosi (while Obama was in office) the House did not create a federal budget. They didn’t even try. They did, however, write endless blank checks for Obama to use on his wild spending spree.

The liberal congress created that problem and they should own it.

We are hitting the debt ceiling because they went nuts with the country’s credit card for the past 28 months. It’s not someone else’s fault. The problem was created quickly and it can be solved quickly by cutting spending and cutting up the credit card. Raising the debt ceiling will only make it worse. PURE AND SIMPLE. Don’t buy it when they tell you it’s more complicated than that.

Preaching to the choir doesn’t help us solve the problem. In order to have a real impact we need to get this message to a bigger audience.

Tea Party Patriots Plans to Blitz the Media with our Message.

By putting Tea Party Patriots in front of cameras, behind microphones, in advertisements, and in print all over the country we spread the word to millions who will be inspired to act and make their opinion heard in the halls of congress.

We also bring together hundreds of local Tea Party Leaders every Monday night by conference call, and every few months at regional meetings. These local grassroots leaders decide what issues we’re going to tackle, craft our strategies for success, and go back to their local groups to put boots on the ground.

In the past two years we’ve proven that we can very effectively rally millions to our cause when we need them.

And we need them now.

You might be surprised to learn how much money it costs to sustain an effort like this. Liberal groups like have annual budgets exceeding $31,000,000 (thirty one million dollars) at their disposal. Being conservatives, ours is considerably less.

But our accomplishments on a small budget speak for themselves.

We’re proud of our track record of good stewardship, hard work, and big results.

Your donations to Tea Party Patriots always go a long, long way to promote and preserve fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets in America.

Make a donation now to support hammering home another Tea Party victory and save our country!

Thank you!



Mail Your Donation to:

P.O. BOX 220183
CHANTILLY, VA 20153-0183

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

TPP Support email:
TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877

Jenny Beth Martin (, Twitter @jennybethm, Facebook)
Dawn Wildman (
Mark Meckler (
Debbie Dooley (

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

1025 Rose Creek Dr, 620-322, Woodstock, GA 30189


German press reacts to the Standard & Poor's downgrade

April 20, 2011

Steve McCann

Standard and Poor’s downgrades its outlook on America’s AAA debt rating from stable to negative.  The President continues his demagoguery against the Republicans and continues to beat the drum of class warfare.  The Democrats in the Senate are content to thwart any meaningful spending reductions.  With as a backdrop what is being said overseas about the ongoing Washington Follies?

Germany is the dominant economic power in Europe and is what is keeping the Euro zone from complete collapse, considering the never-ending saga of Greek insolvency, Irish and Portuguese bailouts as well a nearly inevitable rescue of Spain.  The Germans, of all political stripes have begun to openly express their concerns over the actions of the Obama administration and the Democrats.  What is surprising is the commentary of left-wing publications.
The center-left daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote:
The reason for the Standard and Poor’s change to America’s rating outlook is not new financial data.  Rather it is the political danger that the Democrats and the Republicans will only agree on a debt-reduction strategy after the 2012 presidential election.
The primary reason for America’s political stalemate is Obama’s refusal to see that, in an aging society, social spending cannot be as generous as it has been in the past.  The great social reformer Obama is at least 20 years too late with his ideas. And given the irreconcilability of the two parties, it isn’t possible that a plan to reduce national debt will take shape within the next two years. Obama only heated up the campaign atmosphere with his budget speech last week. Indeed, the top rating for US bonds is in danger.  [Emphasis added]
Another center-left publication Suddeutsche Zetung writes:
Indeed, one wonders why S&P, and its two competitors Moody’s and Fitch, hasn’t long stripped the US of its AAA rating.  The step by S&P is a positive signal, because it counters the accusations that US ratings agencies are more critical of European debtors than they are of American ones.
The left-wing Der Spiegel adds:
A report issued by the International Monetary Fund last week suggests that the US national debt could reach 100% of gross domestic product by 2014.  There is little indication that the upward trend will be reversed anytime soon.  And concerns about US debt are clearly growing.
While few would argue that the 100 percent figure is anything more than symbolic, US national debt is indeed astronomical, its debt-to-GDP ratio is, in fact, higher than Ireland and Portugal’s both of which have asked for immediate aid packages from the Euro zone.
Still recent history has shown, that when it comes to winning back a rating of “stable” [from Standard and Poor’s] radical spending cuts are necessary. Standard and Poor’s think it is a road that Washington is not interested in traveling. [Emphasis added]
It is not a coincidence that the Standard and Poor’s action and the commentary by German publications that would normally be in league with President Obama came out after one of the most hyper-partisan, mendacious and deceitful speeches made by any President in recent memory.  Obama’s address on the 13th of April on an extraordinarily important matter, the US budget and debt crisis, revealed that he and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party have no interest in solving these crucial problems, instead there is a re-election campaign to run and the country and the world be damned.
America’s major creditor, the Chinese, whose foreign ministry in a very cryptic statement said: ” We hope the US government will take responsible policies and measures to protect to safeguard foreign investors’ interest.”   China holds over $1.2 Trillion dollars in US treasuries.
The world has fully awakened to the disaster that is Barack Obama; when will the rest of America?

The Seven Republicans Who Voted to Keep Funding NPR

Two of the seven Republicans who voted to continue funding NPR are right in my backyard. Thanks to the Washington Examiner for publishing this list. Obviously, these Republicans can’t be serious about cutting spending if they’re willing to continue funding state-run media.

Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis.
Rep. Chris Gibson, R-N.Y.
Rep. Richard Hanna, R-N.Y.
Rep. Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio
Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash.
Rep. Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio

Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga.

In addition, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) pulled an Obama and voted present.


The Lonely Conservative

2 ex-Dem leaders charged in fake tea party scheme

Mike Martindale / The Detroit News

Pontiac— Two former high-ranking members of the Oakland County Democratic Party are facing various election corruption charges in a bogus tea party scheme, Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper and County Sheriff Michael Bouchard announced Wednesday.

Former Democratic Party Chairman Michael McGuinness and ex-operations director Jason Bauer, both of Waterford Township, were arraigned Wednesday before Oakland Circuit Judge James Alexander.

They face charges related to Independent Tea Party filings, false affidavits and forged documents that occurred between July 23 and July 26 last year.

Both stood mute to the charges and were released on $25,000 personal bond each, pending an April 13 hearing before Alexander.

The charges include felonies that carry up to 14 years in prison. Neither could be reached for comment.

Cooper and Bouchard announced the charges during a joint press conference conducted to discuss the findings of a one-person grand jury seated by Oakland Circuit Judge Edward Sosnick.

“The election process is sacred … this is not a partisan statement,” Cooper said, noting her Democratic affiliation and that of Bouchard, a Republican. Bouchard said 23 questionable election filings across Michigan — eight of them in Oakland County — involved an effort to create the illusion of an Independent Tea Party and its candidates on November’s ballot.

The goal was to woo away voters in local elections who might otherwise vote for other candidates, presumably Republicans, authorities allege.

While creating such a party in itself is not illegal, Bouchard noted that the alleged forging of documents and putting people up for political office without their involvement — including at least one “candidate” who told investigators he had no knowledge that he was on the ballot until notified — is criminal.

The scheme included bogus candidates for two County Commission seats and a state Senate race, according to a copy of a grand jury warrant released Wednesday. None of the candidates won.

“The presumed intent was to get people drawn to tea party politics and siphon votes off (from other candidates),” Bouchard said.

Bouchard said the investigation of possible election corruption is continuing and included an unnamed “party leader in Lansing.” The sheriff did not elaborate.

County Executive L. Brooks Patterson petitioned for a grand jury inquiry into possible election corruption in August following complaints received by then-County Clerk Ruth Johnson and an investigation initiated by Bouchard’s office at the request of Cooper.

Both McGuinness and Bauer are charged with three counts of forged records, uttering and publishing, a 14-year felony; three counts of election law, false swearing, a felony punishable by five years in prison; and one count of election law, false swearing-perjury, also a five-year felony.

Bauer is also charged with three counts of notary public violation, a one-year misdemeanor.

Both resigned their party posts following allegations in August that suspicious filings were notarized by Bauer.

Several months ago, Bauer was suspended from the Oakland Democratic Party after it surfaced that he encouraged interns to write bogus “help me” letters from nonexistent residents in support of a medical program backed by a Democratic commissioner.

(248) 338-0319

EPA Vote: Who wants to be a U. S. Senator?

Published: 9:12 AM 03/16/2011
By Phil Kerpen

The U.S. Constitution is crystal clear on where legislative power resides. In fact, it’s the very first thing after the preamble. Article I, Section 1 says: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” But in the Age of Obama, it’s a different story. The legislative powers are being exercised by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Now the Senate will be put to the test of whether each senator is OK with that state of affairs, or whether they actually want to take responsibility for writing the laws. That’s the fundamental question at stake as the Senate considers the McConnell Amendment to stop the EPA’s global warming power grab.

Read the rest at Daily Caller.

Take Action! Call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote YES on the McConnell Amendment or go here to send an email!

A Message from Americans for Prosperity

Senator Mitch McConnell, along with 43 co-sponsors (including Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia), is forcing a vote on S. 482 (the Energy Tax Hike Prevention Act) as an amendment to the Small Business Innovation Research Act re-authorization bill. The vote could come as soon as today but it will probably come some time this week.

Unelected regulators are usurping the legislative power that the people, in the Constitution, granted to Congress. We must demand our senators step in and stop this regulatory tyranny.

President Obama is now pursuing his entire failed global warming agenda – decisively rejected as the cap-and-tax energy tax and in the 2010 election. In Obama’s words: “Cap-and-Trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way.”

Indeed, the EPA is actively pursuing a bizarre legal theory that the 1970 Clean Air Act was designed as a global warming law, and that pursuant to it they can regulate just about everything that moves, as well as most industrial facilities. When it’s fully phased in, their plans include over 18,000 pages of appendices that would regulate every industry in the U.S., cause electricity prices to skyrocket, and greatly diminish our freedom and prosperity.

Please call your senators NOW and tell them to vote YES on the McConnell Amendment to stop the EPA’s global warming power grab.

Your senator and their phone number is: Sen. Richard Burr
Phone: (202) 224-3154

Click here if your senator’s name and number did not appear.

Click here to give us feedback on how the call went.

If you would prefer to send an email, click here.

This is one of the first big Senate opportunities to stopping Obama’s outrageous regulatory agenda (see for more). Please take action and pass this important message along.

Stopping Policies That Drive Up Gas Prices, Destroy Jobs

Stopping Policies That Drive Up Gas Prices, Destroy Jobs

March 13, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner’s Press Office | Permalink


This week, the House will vote on another round of spending cuts aimed at ending some of the uncertainty facing job creators so they can begin hiring again. And with high gas prices burdening families and small businesses, Republicans have launched the American Energy Initiative to stop Washington policies that are driving up prices and expand American energy production to help lower costs and create jobs. Learn more below and watch Speaker Boehner discussing the initiative here:



Obama Administration’s Energy Freeze Is Raising Gas Prices, Destroying Jobs


  • WATCH: Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) on Fox News discussing how the White House has blocked American energy production that would lower prices.
  • FACT: American energy production has declined by 16 percent on President Obama’s watch.
  • The Energy & Power Subcommittee approved the Energy Tax Prevention Act to block the EPA from imposing new regulations that will destroy jobs and drive gas prices even higher.


Republicans Focusing on Cutting Spending to Help End Some of the Uncertainty Facing Job Creators


  • House Republicans will host a forum this week for American employers to share their ideas for growing the economy and creating new private sector jobs.


Democrats Divided, Scrambling, Unwilling to Put Forward a Serious Plan that Cuts Spending


  • Republicans are united with the American people on cutting spending to promote private-sector job creation (and have already taken action), but Democrats remain as divided as ever.
  • For example, the House-passed H.R.1 received more votes in the Democrat-run Senate than the status quo proposal put forward by Democratic leaders and the president.
  • Rank-and-file Democrats said the spending cuts put forward by their leaders are “too timid.”
  • Just one day after President Obama said he was “prepared to do more” to cut spending, his political operation sent an e-mail imploring liberal allies to oppose GOP-backed spending cuts.
  • Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) drew a “line in sand” and said Democrats have already been pushed “to the limit” on spending cuts. But just two weeks ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said we should “stop drawing lines in the sand.”
  • Democrats keep repeating the debunked claim that they’ve “already put forward specific [spending] cuts that meet congressional Republicans halfway” – they haven’t.
  • In fact, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) offered his solution for tackling the deficit: more taxes.  He called raising taxes “a popular thing to do.”


Also Happening


  • While a positive step, the Obama Administration’s reversal on the prosecution of terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo Bay raises more questions than answers. For example: what is the plan for prosecuting 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?


As always, we appreciate your interest in the new House majority and encourage you to stay connected with the Office of the Speaker on Facebook, Twitter, and on Have a great week!

Speaker Boehner’s Press Office




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